Thursday, September 22, 2016

Eric Carle's "I See A Story" exhibit at The High Museum

I first found out about the Eric Carle exhibit in the spring and knew immediately we had to visit. I mean, Stella's room is The Very Hungry Caterpillar themed (because it was my favorite book as a child) and The High is about 10 miles from the house. Had to.  I thought about going next week since she's on Fall break but being a stay-a-home mom the past three years has me spoiled and I don't really like to go to touristy places during break times and especially the weekends unless it's our only option. Donald is out of town and we had nothing on the agenda today. Plus, Stella finally filled up her good girl jar again so I made this her special treat for doing so.

We got to the museum around 10:30 and Stella wanted to play outside for a few minutes. She was able to slide down this guy and play in a yellow  pig (?) but the other two outside play exhibits were too hot for her to slide down. A big mom thanks to whoever designed metal playground equipment for toddlers!! In case you didn't know metal + sun + kid = burned skin & screaming.

Right after we walked inside we got to see window washers rappelling down the side of the building. Stella thought that was pretty cool. I did too.

We went inside a play area for kids and read some of Eric Carle's books. She played on a magnetic wall and with some blocks, then we decided to do some painting.  We happened to visit on Toddler Thursdays so that was nice. The toddler painting room is a level below the floor pictured here. Stella really enjoyed running freely up and down the ramps. On the way back up she wanted to go all the way to the top. So she did. I followed but wasn't as fast behind her due to pushing a stroller and not having the energy of a chihuahua like she does. She got to the very top and mistook a wooden piece of "art" as a bench and crawled on top of it to have a seat.  I got to the top, saw this and through gritted teeth somewhat fiercely yelled at her to get down.  Just then a security guy tells me, "Ma'am, you're gonna have to keep her under control/in the stroller/your eye on her"-ehh, something along those lines.  I was a little pissed.  I mean, I get it, but damn. Don't get on to me when I realize my kid should not be doing what's she's doing and I'm in the process of getting on to her.

A lot of his book's paintings are framed on the walls-hence "I See a Story." I didn't take pictures of all of them, but I had to get The Very Hungry Caterpillar. I could recite this from memory as a kid when I was younger than Stella is now.

Stella's custom made skirt was given to us by her Aunt Kristi for her 1st birthday, but due to the pattern it had to be made big. That's ok, she's been enjoying it for over a year now since she hasn't sprouted or put on a significant amount of weight over this time frame.

We went back to the room where we read and played with blocks and Stella decided to goof off on the VHC.

She painted two more things and I painted with her this time.

So the one on the left was her first painting. Then she painted a rainbow. I used the black oil pastel to draw lines off on my own page and she wanted me to do the same to hers. She requested another sheet of paper and then copied what I did. I think she did good and she liked that it matched. Oh also, we kind of matched today. I had on the same bright yellow colored shirt and brightly colored shorts and sandals. My hair was pulled into a side bun and hers-Elsa hair or an easier version than I used to do. I just love matching us. Really.

Then we headed outside to get lunch. We spotted this butterfly painted piano just outside The High and The Alliance Theater. Stella liked "playing" it. She even had Teddy play it with his legs and arms.

We walked down to 1180 Peachtree which was Donald's first job at JAMCO. He helped draw the screen wall at the top. At the bottom of the building is Highland Bakery. We sat outside in the shade and shared a grilled chicken sandwich with fig jam, arugula, goat cheese and balsamic on ciabatta with homemade chips and a small bowl of what I thought was white chicken chili but it turned to be traditional red chili. It was good, but not what I was looking for. Stella ate a good bit of it. 

On the short walk back to the parking deck Stella spotted a firetruck in line at the light. She waved to them, they waved back and then tooted the horn at her. She was so happy. We also  heard two or three separate sirens over lunch, then I spotted at least six or seven more firetrucks on the way home just out driving around. It was weird. 

But anways.... I noticed a little green space/park across the street at Colony Square. I saw a large VHC and pointed it out to Stella. We walked across Peachtree where she promptly removed her sandals to run and roll in the fake grass. She hopscotched up and down the caterpillar's back and then posed for me at the MIDTOWN letters.

This was a great way to spend our day. I also realized it was the first day of Fall and such a lovely day it was. 

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