Saturday, December 27, 2014

52 Project: week 51

Yep, that's what it looks like, folks. She's feeding her baby "boobie." M occasionally assigned the task of feeding baby too. Stella rocks her baby in the cradle, as she's waking around and in the rocking chair. She even tries to feed her real food sometimes. She's the best little mommy out there.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

52 Project: week 50

Santa and his elves made an early Christmas delivery for Stella. A handmade and custom designed teepee. Caterpillars on the front, multi-colored chevron on one side and multi-colored hearts on the other.  It's a huge hit! She dives in and out of it. Hides in it and escapes to it when I'm trying to fix her hair, change her diaper or put her shoes on. 

52 Project: week 49

***From Sunday, December 7th.***

After being difficult all week with everything including naps (non existent for a few days), this blonde haired beauty was just the best today. She ate two really good meals, napped for a solid two hours, then chowed down on a good snack. When then went on a walk late in the afternoon with B. She was in a fantastic mood all day and gave me and Daddy tons of kisses and even back rubs. Hoping it all continues. 

52 Project: week 48

*From Sunday, November 30th:

Goodness how this girl loves her puppy. Thankfully he puts up with all of her "love". 

The Best

***This was supposed to publish on Monday, December 8th, but didn't for some reason. It is now being re-submitted for publish.***

Yesterday, Stella was the best. Really. Everything was pretty much fantastic. Only one teensy tiny tantrum. 

Our friends had stayed with us the night before and Stella got to play with Silver. They both had on their Christmas pj's and sat together watching cartoons for a while. 

Kristi and I fixed French toast and bacon for everyone. 
Stella ate a really good breakfast and turned around to consume a ton for lunch too. She usually never eats two big back to back meals, so this was rare. 

After lunch of leftover spaghetti, she was just disgusting. So bath time it was. Then immediately following, was naptime. She slept for a solid, complete, full and whole two hours. I make a big deal out of this because her naps this week sucked. Really. Oh how bad you ask? Let me show you:

Monday: 20 minutes
Tuesday: 40 minutes
Wednesday: 1 hour 
Thursday: somewhere around 2 1/2 hours; however the majority of that was on my chest while we slept in a La Z Boy.
Friday: no nap. As in zip, nada, nothing.
Saturday: 10 minutes (in the car)

After Saturday, I pleaded to a group of moms on Facebook and asked for them to send the nap fairies my way. And it totally worked!

I cannot explain how truly excited I was so see Stella's eyes close at 2:10 and not hear a single peep out of her until 4:10. She slept in her froggy sleeping bf on the floor the entire time. 

I got so much done. Now I was still in my pj's because I'd decided it was going to be one of those days, but here's all I accomplished during naptime: straightened up a bit after company left, washed dishes, made an apple cranberry crisp (with leftover cranberry sauce-excellent & totally doing it again), made artichoke dip for Monday night's Garden Club meeting, made a few homemade gifts, gave myself a facial while doing said stuff above (Biore pore strips, Burt Bees rosemary mint clay mask, coconut oil & baking soda scrub, followed with coconut oil & Frankenscence essential oil). I felt so renewed and accomplished. 

Stella woke up in a good mood. We cuddled for a few minutes and shared some crackers and artichoke dip and I helped myself to a serving of the crisp. delicious and really crispy. 

It was really pretty out and a little chilly,  but I decided I really wanted to go for a walk. I'd remembered how energized I felt after the Lights of Life 5K the night before.) 

We grabbed Bandit and the stroller and took off for the neighborhood across the street. We walked for about an hour. We saw Christmas decorations and kids playing. She rode some, walked while holding my hand (the best), hopped on my back for a piggy-back ride and tried several times to play with a group of older screaming kids with Nerf guns. 

She didn't really eat dinner, so afterwards we played in her room for a while. She gave us kisses, both on the floor and through the rungs on the crib-her new favorite thing to do (also the best because she smooshes her lips and face up against it which is hilarious). 

Stella even rubbed me and Donald's back while we laid on the floor. Then she laid down and joined us. 

I'd set out a stick of butter and an egg so it would come to room temperature so we could make Christmas cookies as a family, but Donald wasn't home. I'm really excited about doing that with her because she's such a big helper and I think we will all really enjoy it. 

Stella is at such a fun age right now. Thing is, she's been pretty difficult also. 
Yesterday turned out to be kind of a fluke thing, but I'll totally take what I can get. It was just a great day-really, the best.