Monday, September 26, 2016

Date night, lazy Saturday & the Fair

Donald flew in from San Antonio Friday afternoon and brought Stella a present-a stuffed cowgirl armadillo, complete with pink bandanna and pink cowgirl hat.  She thought it was the funniest thing.  He also brought me a present. A bottle of wine from San Antonio.

We visited for a bit, then got ready for our date night and Stella's first ever sleepover.  We had tickets to Amos Lee and when I asked Crissy if she could watch Stella, she offered for her to sleep over. I wasn't going to turn down that opportunity. I ran it by Stella and she was super excited. As was Donald.  

We dropped her off around 6:30 and headed the ramen/yakitori place in Smyrna. 
We had the most delicious yakitori ever. Ok, it was our first try so we have nothing to compare it to, but it was amazing. That sauce to dip in was soo good.

I got this text while we were eating-the girls had scarfed down their supper and were having fun in the sandbox.

Later on I received this picture. The girls with each other's nightgown's on.

I'm not entirely sure how the sleeping part of the night went. I didn't get to talk to Crissy. She had softball practice Saturday morning but got a babysitter for the girls. We picked Stella up at 11 and she said she slept with Harper some of the night and slept with Crissy the rest of the night. She said Crissy's bed was more cozy. Ha. Crissy said Stella slept with her, I'm just not sure for how long.

After we picked up Stella we went to Waffle House for breakfast.  We got there right after the mid morning breakfast rush and just before the lunch rush.

I'd sort of looked into Stella and Donald going to the Lowe's Kids Workshop but forgot to sign them up and it was full by Friday. I thought they could have some Daddy-Daugther time while I did a few things at the house. And also, since she's on Fall Break this week. Instead, we returned home and Stella and Donald crawled up into the LaZ Boy and turned on the Georgia game. They had lazy time and Stella snoozed for an hour and a half or so in D's arms while I was up in Marietta donating blood.  I gave a pint of blood in 5 minutes and 36 seconds! 

We'd talked about going to the zoo for member's only night with The Green's but when they said they weren't going, we decided not to go also. Donald said he really just wanted to have a lazy Saturday since we hadn't had much of those lately. Plus, we're going this upcoming Thursday with friends.

I'd bought some ribs Friday so we grilled those. Ok, by "we" I mean Donald. He handles all of the grilling. He also handled the prep and cooking of everything else that night. We had green beans with onions and ham and roasted butternut squash.  We sat outside on the porch and he opened a bottle of wine for himself (pre-purchased) and the bottle he'd brought me from Texas.

Supper was delicious. We hadn't grilled ribs in a long time.  Then we went outside to play in the backyard and I watered some of the flowers and veggies in the garden.  We sat down on the glider and I mentioned wanting to have a fire in the fire pit. So Donald got the "fire lamp" aka lighter and we lit it up.  We sat outside in that spot for a few hours watching the light fade from the sky, listening to the bugs get louder and louder and even caught a glimpse of some bats flittering around.  

Stella asked to take our picture. I just love this one she got of us. Donald was laughing at something funny she'd said or done.

We'd promised Stella we would watch Aladdin after supper so we went inside and got comfy on the floor in her room.  I got especially comfy after downing the entire bottle of wine and basically passed out mid-movie.  I had full intentions of going back out to the fire after she went to sleep, but I was told to go to bed and didn't argue with Donald.

We continued our laziness Sunday. I didn't get out of my pj's or put a bra on until 5:00 pm.  I fixed a casual breakfast, Stella and I did a new puzzle together. We finished watching Aladdin, I read a little while they watched football. I attempted to get her to nap for over an hour since she was very emotional about stuff, but that didn't happen.

We got to the fair around 5:45. We met up with The Green's and Landon was so excited Stella was there so they could ride stuff together.

When we walked up Landon was riding a little train "roller coaster". I use roller coaster in quotations because all it really was was a train going round and round on a track. There was no up or down motion.  

Together Stella and Landon rode Dumbo, Nemo (Hudson joined them for this ride and adored it), a caterpillar roller coaster (which actually did have a little height and up and down motion to it), the carousel, a motorcycle, the swings, an inflatable tiger slide (with me-twice) and the teacups with me, Tiffany, Landon & Huddy. Her mouth was wide open on most of the rides. Her favorite ride is still Nemo she says. 

Caterpillar roller coaster

She told Daddy she wanted to ride the pink one. Daniel tried to put Landon on the back but he wanted to drive his own motorcycle, so he hopped on the one behind her.

Up until this point, Stella was happy riding the rides, but every time she got off, she would get all whiny and clingy. Just fussing about everything. She wanted us to carry her the whole time. I asked her if she was sleepy or didn't feel good and she said yes to both. We all decided to break for supper.  She said she wanted a turkey leg and I really wanted onion rings but I knew she probably wouldn't eat them so we went with curly fries instead. The turkey leg was roughly 5000 degrees. Seriously one of the hottest things I've had to handle.  We got a huge cup of fresh squeezed lemonade that we refilled once. And let me tell you how much our kid loves lemonade. When it got refilled the second time I didn't get a single sip. Donald said he barely got any too.  Luckily her mood improved drastically. We don't know what he deal was.  Looking back she was acting super hangry, but she'd eaten an entire sandwich not too long before we left. But I'd been pretty much non-stop hungry since Saturday morning so who knows? We were just happy the whininess was over.

After supper, Stella also had her first taste of cotton candy. Landon was so sweet to share a few bites with her. She liked it but surprisingly and thankfully didn't want much. 

She struck this adorable little pose all by herself. Love!

Teacups! Which everyone loved!

Family fun at the fair!

Blurry hands from waving.  The swings was their last ride together. We parked at different ends of the fairgrounds so we said our goodbyes to the Green Family.  

We walked to the inflatable tiger slide and me and her went down it twice. Then Stella and Donald checked out the animals in the petting zoo while I walked through one of the exhibit halls.  We walked out minutes before the fair closed.  

Our first fair experience last year and this one were definitely different, but still good and fun. Last  year it was cool and just the three of us went. I remember having on jeans and a light sweater. It also sprinkled/rained nearly the whole time we were there, but that meant it was a lot less crowded.  Last night was still so hot and more crowded with it being a Sunday night and Fall break for Cobb County is this week.  I did want to ride the pirate ship together as a family since Stella loved it so much last year but we ran out of tickets.  

We came home and even though it was super late, we had to shower. She hadn't bathed since Wednesday and I was in need of one since my last one was Saturday morning. I usually worry about her going to sleep after a bath/shower since it seems to wake her up now, but not last night. Donald dried her hair with the hair dryer and did her medication and had no trouble getting her to sleep.  I read for a few minutes and then went right to sleep myself.

This was a great weekend to spend time together and make fun memories. We marked another item off the bucket list-the fair. Now, if Fall temperatures will appear!

A Month of Preschool Lunches-September

So I'm planning on using this as a reminder of things I can fix when I'm all out of ideas.

Day 1: Caprese salad chicken kabobs: skewered bites of chicken tenders, diced yellow tomato (from our garden) and fresh mozzarella cheese. Baby carrots. Served with homemade roasted garlic balsamic dressing*. Fruit smoothie. Stella helped make her first meal. She even picked out the carrots from the store. 

*This dressing is Stella's version of ketchup. Most kids dip everything in ketchup, but she dips everything in this. Well this & mustard. They are a pretty close tie. This is pretty much all we eat on our salads. In fact if we do eat out & I get homemade ranch she'll argue with me that it's not dressing because it doesn't look like what she's used to. She drinks whatever is leftover & will put a plate/bowl up to her head to lick it off. We make it in the mini food processor & it's so good. This dressing will make many appearances in the future. 

Day 2: Kale and mozzarella chicken burger (pre-packaged from Costco) served with dressing, Rice Works rice snack and cup of pears (pre-packaged).

Day 3: Turkey roll-up: small tortilla with mustard, shredded cheddar, spinach leaves and slice of turkey. Skewered onto toothpicks. Served with pretzels, half a Granny Smith apple, sliced with cream cheese fruit dip. I do not typically purchase this, but it was bought for a housewarming party and never opened and I ended up with this.

Day 4: Kale and mozzarella chicken burger (they come two to a pack), served with dressing, Pirates Booty & a homemade fruit cocktail cup (grapes, berries & mangoes in an 8 oz glass mason jar which is frozen, then taken out the night before & placed in the fridge to thaw out).

Day 5:  Leftover burger slider (from restaurant the night before), served with carrots & dressing, mix of pretzels & Goldfish, tropical fruit cup (pre-packaged).

Day 6: Peanut butter & strawberry "quesadilla". I basically spread crunchy peanut butter on two tortillas, thinly sliced three strawberries, pressed together & sliced into quarters with a pizza slicer. I served it with Babybel cheese, veggies straws & a pear cup (pre-packaged).  

Day 7: Turkey burger (no bun) with mustard & pickle spear, veggie straws and green smoothie (peaches, strawberries, banana, spinach, protein powder & almond milk).

Day 8: Ham and cheddar skewers, pretzel & Goldfish mix, grapes.

Day 9: rotisserie chicken, carrots with dressing, Babybel cheese, Rice Works rice snack, peach fruit cup (pre-packages). 

Day 10: peanut butter & jelly "quesadilla", Babybel cheese, pretzel & Goldfish cracker mix, homemade squeeze pouch (pear & berry), NutriGrain fruit & nut bar. 

That's it for lunches this month. She technically did one day in August (her very first day), then with Labor Day (out) and two sick days, plus this week (the rest of September) is Fall break, so September is done. 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Eric Carle's "I See A Story" exhibit at The High Museum

I first found out about the Eric Carle exhibit in the spring and knew immediately we had to visit. I mean, Stella's room is The Very Hungry Caterpillar themed (because it was my favorite book as a child) and The High is about 10 miles from the house. Had to.  I thought about going next week since she's on Fall break but being a stay-a-home mom the past three years has me spoiled and I don't really like to go to touristy places during break times and especially the weekends unless it's our only option. Donald is out of town and we had nothing on the agenda today. Plus, Stella finally filled up her good girl jar again so I made this her special treat for doing so.

We got to the museum around 10:30 and Stella wanted to play outside for a few minutes. She was able to slide down this guy and play in a yellow  pig (?) but the other two outside play exhibits were too hot for her to slide down. A big mom thanks to whoever designed metal playground equipment for toddlers!! In case you didn't know metal + sun + kid = burned skin & screaming.

Right after we walked inside we got to see window washers rappelling down the side of the building. Stella thought that was pretty cool. I did too.

We went inside a play area for kids and read some of Eric Carle's books. She played on a magnetic wall and with some blocks, then we decided to do some painting.  We happened to visit on Toddler Thursdays so that was nice. The toddler painting room is a level below the floor pictured here. Stella really enjoyed running freely up and down the ramps. On the way back up she wanted to go all the way to the top. So she did. I followed but wasn't as fast behind her due to pushing a stroller and not having the energy of a chihuahua like she does. She got to the very top and mistook a wooden piece of "art" as a bench and crawled on top of it to have a seat.  I got to the top, saw this and through gritted teeth somewhat fiercely yelled at her to get down.  Just then a security guy tells me, "Ma'am, you're gonna have to keep her under control/in the stroller/your eye on her"-ehh, something along those lines.  I was a little pissed.  I mean, I get it, but damn. Don't get on to me when I realize my kid should not be doing what's she's doing and I'm in the process of getting on to her.

A lot of his book's paintings are framed on the walls-hence "I See a Story." I didn't take pictures of all of them, but I had to get The Very Hungry Caterpillar. I could recite this from memory as a kid when I was younger than Stella is now.

Stella's custom made skirt was given to us by her Aunt Kristi for her 1st birthday, but due to the pattern it had to be made big. That's ok, she's been enjoying it for over a year now since she hasn't sprouted or put on a significant amount of weight over this time frame.

We went back to the room where we read and played with blocks and Stella decided to goof off on the VHC.

She painted two more things and I painted with her this time.

So the one on the left was her first painting. Then she painted a rainbow. I used the black oil pastel to draw lines off on my own page and she wanted me to do the same to hers. She requested another sheet of paper and then copied what I did. I think she did good and she liked that it matched. Oh also, we kind of matched today. I had on the same bright yellow colored shirt and brightly colored shorts and sandals. My hair was pulled into a side bun and hers-Elsa hair or an easier version than I used to do. I just love matching us. Really.

Then we headed outside to get lunch. We spotted this butterfly painted piano just outside The High and The Alliance Theater. Stella liked "playing" it. She even had Teddy play it with his legs and arms.

We walked down to 1180 Peachtree which was Donald's first job at JAMCO. He helped draw the screen wall at the top. At the bottom of the building is Highland Bakery. We sat outside in the shade and shared a grilled chicken sandwich with fig jam, arugula, goat cheese and balsamic on ciabatta with homemade chips and a small bowl of what I thought was white chicken chili but it turned to be traditional red chili. It was good, but not what I was looking for. Stella ate a good bit of it. 

On the short walk back to the parking deck Stella spotted a firetruck in line at the light. She waved to them, they waved back and then tooted the horn at her. She was so happy. We also  heard two or three separate sirens over lunch, then I spotted at least six or seven more firetrucks on the way home just out driving around. It was weird. 

But anways.... I noticed a little green space/park across the street at Colony Square. I saw a large VHC and pointed it out to Stella. We walked across Peachtree where she promptly removed her sandals to run and roll in the fake grass. She hopscotched up and down the caterpillar's back and then posed for me at the MIDTOWN letters.

This was a great way to spend our day. I also realized it was the first day of Fall and such a lovely day it was. 

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Visiting Charlotte

Thursday morning we tagged along with Daddy for a trip to Charlotte, N.C. We swung by the office to get a few things, then hit the road. Stella told us her stomach hurt just after we were getting out of spaghetti junction. We found a QT and pulled over. Donald got gas and I walked Stella in. As we were about to walk in the bathroom, she slipped but luckily I had her hand in mine and caught her before she fell completely. I looked down and she looked up and said, "I'm sorry, Mama." She had thrown up everywhere and slipped in it. I never heard her make a noise. I'd noticed she didn't look good when I pulled her out of the truck, but she said she was fine, she just had to go potty. Poor thing started crying and had throw up everywhere-in her hair, on her clothes and shoes. I called for Donald and he had someone clean up the mess. I cleaned her up in the sink and changed her in the back of the truck. She told me in the gas station while she was on the potty that he tummy didn't hurt, she didn't have to go potty, she just needed to throw up but got confused. I told her I was so proud she could tell me she had to go potty and we weren't mad or upset with her at all. We were happy we'd pulled over and it happened in the gas station versus the back of the truck because I can't even begin to think about how the rest of that trip would have went.  We think she just slurped down too much of a homemade smoothie I'd made and then she ran like crazy around the office. Happily, no other issues arrived on our trip. I was a bit sad though-I'd dressed us matching dresses and gladiator sandals, but never got a picture. No biggie though.

This was both mine and Stella's first trip to this city.  We arrived around 1 or so, checked in to the hotel (which Stella was super excited about because it'd been a while since she'd stayed in one), then walked down the street a few blocks for a yummy lunch.  Then Daddy had to go visit a job site. Stella and I finished up lunch then walked a few more blocks to most awesome library-The Imaginon Library. It's part library, part discovery place.  I could have spent the entire day here.  She played and explored. We read a few books and she made a friend at the computer. I couldn't get over that this place was free!

Then Daddy stopped by after he was done at job site and we did a summer themed scavenger hunt in the library. Stella loves a good scavenger hunt. It was all pictures placed/hidden around the books and shelves in the toddler section of the library. Some of the pictures were very obvious, others took some time to find. And the only one remaining I ended up having to ask someone for a clue. I actually walked up and said, "I'll buy you a drink when you get off work if you'll tell me where number __ is." He gave me a very good hint and then we were all happy to have completed the scavenger hunt.

They had big typewriter keys outside the library and Stella and Donald found their letters.

Then we just walked around downtown for a while. We tried a few places for supper but they were closed. A lot of the restaurants where we were didn't stay open for dinner since most of their business is done at lunch time. 

We found a Chinese restaurant on the backside of the fountains and ordered a bunch of appetizers as dinner. 

We went back to the room and threw Stella in the shower with me, then read a few stories and all went to bed. 

The next morning there was a beautiful sunrise outside our room (15th floor) overlooking a few construction sites. Stella loved watching the cranes move. 

Donald had a few meetings so Stella and I got ready and walked down to The Public Market beside the local train track which is just next to the library we'd visited the day before. I ordered a coffee from one booth and a strawberry, goat cheese and walnut breakfast crepe from another booth. We sat outside beside the tracks and dined.

We then walked to Discovery Place Museum. 

But first we had to admire more fountains....

....and read all the quotes on the columns of the "adult" library.

Then we made it inside. And terror struck.

They have a rain forest section at the museum so we ventured in. Almost immediately I look down and see this brightly colored amphibian hop-hopping towards us. Stella does her high pitched "Awwweeee.....what a cute wittle guy" voice and cups her hands down to stop/catch/touch him. But I'm freaking out because I'm thinking "This is a poison dart frog." So I yell, "Wait! Don't touch that" and put my hands in front of her arms to block her. I start looking around for someone that works there. Two women walk up and they are thinking the same thing I'm thinking-poisonous frog. So they start looking around too. Then a woman walks in and I point to the frog. I say, "Umm, so this looks like a poison dart frog and he's just out hopping around. Did he get out somewhere? Should I be concerned because my child is trying to pick it up? Surely you don't have poison dart frogs here, right?" Between each of these questions I'm pretty sure I said, "Stella, don't touch it baby. It might hurt you." 
The employee looks so confused and slightly more terrified than me. Immediately she picks up her radio and calls for someone.  But no one answers. So we chat for a minute. Then she says in a frantic voice, "Can you just keep an eye on it because no one is picking up so I'm going to try to find the rain forest specialist?" She turns around to take off and in he walks. All of these grief stricken faces glare at him and I point and he's all "Ok, so this is a poison dart frog but he's not poisionous here because the rainforest we created doesn't have the certain ants that they eat which eat special leaves which cause the frogs to secrete the poisonous oils on their skin." Oh. Ok. No big deal. Umm.....I'm so ok with this, but just wish there had been a sign or something so I didn't have heart attack #2 for the trip. 

(Heart attack number 1 was when Donald was explaining to Stella what a shower cap was and she put it on her hair, then pulled it down over her face and sucked it in her mouth as I was standing in front of her having a conversation with Donald. I heard this weird noise and looked straight ahead to see it sucked completely in her mouth and basically gasping for air. I reached down and yanked it off of her, took a deep breath and tried to remain calm as I explained that she could not do that or ever play with that again.) 

Stella says, "Look, it's Gecko from PJ Masks!"

No, those are not twins behind Stella, they are 2/3's of triplets!!!  And the mom had an older boy. Can't.Even.

Then we moved into the science portion of the museum. Stella loved the tubes which sucked shredded paper up them and rained it back down on her.

Then this pulled system which lifted her.

And the balls floating on air.

Massive water table where she got soaked before donning the raincoat.

Then she discovered the safari animals and played with them for a really, really long time. Like, she didn't want to go. At all. 

I got a video of playing with them and you can't really hear or make out what she's saying, but I recorded it because her mouth was moving constantly as she talked for all of them.

Then we checked out the aquarium part of the museum. These are the jellyfish here.

Then we saw three clown fish swimming around the anemones so naturally it was Marlin, Coral and Nemo. She was so happy to see this.

We met Daddy for lunch at Vida Mexican and I stuffed myself. Then we headed towards Athens for Michael and Jessica's housewarming party we were giving the next day. We stopped at a rest stop and I found an antique. I was even more excited when I picked it up and it had a dial tone.

This was a good first visit to Charlotte. I really wanted to visit the Charlotte Nature Museum, but didn't get a chance to. Hopefully we can go again and check this out.