Friday, August 1, 2014

Week in Pictures July 14-20


We had Garden Club and once again, it's if you knew it was a Monday and mama was super busy. You were clingy and whiney and u even thought about you staying home with Daddy. But of course, you turn into an angel when we arrive. Thank goodness for that. 
Right before we left to head up to the meeting, I took the food out of the fridge to load into the cooler. I'd spent about 30 minutes skewering red, white and blue fruit onto skewers and you decided to step on the 9 x 13 pan of it and squish half of it . I nearly lost my cool with you. Honestly, I really don't know how I held it together. I remember screaming "Nooo!" And "Why?!?!" At you and taking some deep breaths. 



We went down to IKEA with Tiffany and Landon.  You rode in the buggy for a little while, then I put you on my back and you snoozed for about 30 minutes. You awoke towards the end of our meal, but I did get you to eat some meatballs and potatoes.  You and Landon both played in the play area after lunch. You loved the bright colors and loud noise the beads made on the abacus. 

I put you in the actual cart part of the buggy to ride down to the car. I know your not supposed to be in there, but you were attempting to crawl up or out, so I figured you'd be fine. I drove the buggy over the gab between the floor and the elevator and you fell over. You kinda went "Ugh" because you were stuck between the cart and a box of dishes I bought. Tiffany appeared at the elevator and said, "Is she ok?" I was all, "Yeah, she's fine, she just fell over, I'll get her when I get out of the way."   So I picked you up and placed you in the seat and we got to the car. I looked at you to get you out and you had a huge knot at your eyebrow and blood was trickling down your face. I felt horrible. When you fell, your face hit the corner of the seat and it had cut you. It was swollen out so much so I know you hit it hard. I felt terrible. But you never cried when you fell, so I just assumed you were fussing because you couldn't get up.  Luckily it didn't seem to bruise, but the swelling was around for a while.

You decided the fridge was a good place to sit and hang out that night. I can't say that I blame you considering the AC is still out.  You actually screamed when I made you get out.

That evening you got so hysterical when I would stack up  your blocks and let you knock them down. You thought it was the funniest thing ever.

I also laid on the floor and acted like I was sleeping and I started fake snoring. You'd get really close to me, then I'd open my eyes and attack you. Again, hilarity ensued.

While reading Goodnight Moon to you, I asked for you to point at the mouse. You looked up at me and pointed to my mouth. They sound so similar so I know you're listening to me. 



You had MMO this morning. You cried again when we walked into the room. You made it hard to leave again. Joey told me when I returned that he put you up in the highchair with a little snack and a toy and you calmed right down. 

We "shared" a Popsicle today. And by share, I mean you basically stole it from me. 
You were already covered in cherry juice, so what's a bit more juice from a strawberry fruit bar?

I know it felt so good on your gums. 

After I got you cleaned up in the tub, you opened the lid on the potty, out your seat down, along with your book and pointed at it while grunting at me. 

While you were pointing to animals and objects on the potty, I asked you "What does a cow say?" You said "Mmmmm". Close enough. 



Tiffany and Landon came over to play in the afternoon. Y'all are now getting to the age where you are sort of fighting over toys or getting jealous of things. Y'all tend to fuss just a little bit, more Landon than you. You are still a really good sharer, he's just funny about certain toys of his, specifically his Thomas the Train.



You had MMO in the am, then we went down to Aunt Katha's to visit Kaylene.  You enjoyed pushing your baby around in the baby stroller. You were so excited when we arrived because you saw a cat and then another and another. You just kept smiling and waving at them and crouching down to be at their level. 

We  rode the golf cart to the duck pond to feed the ducks and geese.  I gave you a few pieces of bread to feed the ducks with, but you had other plans with it-your mouth!

We had dinner at a Chinese restaurant. In general, you were horrible. You didn't  want to sit in the booster seat, highchair or my lap. You didn't even want to be on my back. You were happy standing in the booth waving to the guy in the one next to us and of course, running around.  I think you were near asleep when we stopped and just got irritated that we made you sit.

When we left, it was drizzling and we drove through the Chick-Fil-A drive thru for a peach milkshake. You didn't want to try it at first, but once you got a hold of it, it was hard for you to share. But then you turned into my sweet girl and would hand it up to my mouth to share. 



I got up and made a big breakfast for us-scrambled cheese, hashbrowns, bacon, toast and fruit. 
You thought it would be funny to put on he oven mitts and walk around. Daddy kept calling you a "labstah." You ate all of your blueberries hands free, like a dog.

We went over to Norcross for Vietnamese lunch and shopping. You weren't the greatest but you weren't the worst at lunch. It's definitely getting difficult to go out to eat with you now. 

After that, we went up to Siracusa's to watch Daddy's bocce ball game. 

 You really enjoyed playing with my hat.

 I love those chunky little legs!



It rained most of the day and we all stayed home the entire day. We cooked breakfast, lunch and dinner. 
You decided to eat only steamed broccoli for lunch even though Daddy fixed a wonderful beef stroganoff that I just knew you would devour. 
You started sharing your drink with me today. You've been sharing food, but you decided today to let me have a sip of water again and again and again.

 I got a canvas and let you "paint it". You really enjoyed yourself. It's not quite done but I can't wait to see the final result. 

As you can see you got paint everywhere!

New this week:
*One day while Daddy was entertaing you in your room, you pointed to the froggy potty and walked over to it. You are definitely more interested in using the potty. Several times you tried to put the potty seat on the toilet & crawl up there but we didn't put you up there mostly because we'd just put a new diaper in you or gotten you dressed. But within a few minutes of doing that, you'd poop. So now we put you on the potty whenever you ask.  I'm so proud of you!

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