We stayed home today. That seems to be a theme for Mondays, huh?
Here you are standing on a stool peeking out the window at a squirrel. This kept you entertained for 20 minutes or so.
I'm so thankful we have this huge, gorgeous red oak tree to shade our house. I helps keep the west 2/3 cooler in the summer which helps since we were going on week 3 of no AC.
I think you are your happiest outside.
That night you attacked both me and Daddy when it came to bouncing on our bellies. You laugh so hard when we make the "Ugh" noise. I even rode you around on my back like a horse while I sung to you.
This past weekend, I found out about Toddler Tuesdays down at Atlantic Station. From 10-12 they gate off their Central Park and put our toys, playhouses, push carts & an easel and let the kids play for free. They even play kiddie music and clean it all up. We got down about 10:45 and you were apprehensive in the beginning but finally started acting like yourself and being somewhat sociable.
You played with the balls, pointed at the bubbles coming from the bubble machine, rode on a see saw, went down the slide a bunch, rode in the wagon, ate Cheerios (not even ours!) off of the AstroTurf lawn and just ran around and had fun.
I wish we had known about this during the summer so Landon could have went with us. I don't know if this is a year round event, but we'll definitely go back.

After you played, we had lunch at Meehans and then you fell asleep on my back. I walked around for a while just window shopping. It was 60 degrees out that morning and there was a wonderful breeze. Not to mention it was beautiful out. I really enjoyed this!
That evening we went to the Food Trucks with The Green's. I pulled you and Landon around in the wagon while Tiffany and Daniel got their food. Then you sat (ok, you were really strapped in) in the wagon while I helped Daddy with our food. We got you out when we returned but all you wanted to do was run around and run from us. When Tiffany finished eating, they took you and Landon so y'all could play and we could continue eating.
You tickled Landon and got so excited when he laughed while you did it.
Tiffany got you to repeat the words/sounds of some words while you were out with her. Landon can repeat a lot of things and I know you're paying attention to him. You repeated "key" to me when you were holding mine earlier.
When we pulled up in the driveway that night "Wagon Wheel" was playing on the radio. I got you out and sung and danced with you around the car.
You woke up at 3 am and went right back to sleep after I sat down to rock you. I woke up at 7 am to go to the potty and you were still asleep in your crib. I went and got you to nurse you before it got too light out. I can't remember the last time you only woke once and then slept that late in your crib. I'm so happy that you seem to be back on the path to sleeping well again.
While we were all in bed asleep this morning, you said "Uh-oh" again in your sleep. So cute!
You went to MMO today and when I returned to pick you up, Joey said youhadn't been awake long. He said you crawled up in his lap, handed him the play phone and talked to you until he realized you fell asleep. You slept with him for about 30 minutes. I'm so glad you're getting comfortable with him.
In the afternoon you started fussing over something and began rolling around on the floor in your room. You just cried and whined and rolled around. You even rolled into the bathroom! I have no idea what you were upset about but you did this for probably 15 minutes. You continued even if I walked away to ignore you. You didn't get louder or quieter so I mostly just went about my business until whatever it was that you were doing passed.
I bought you some Chex cereal and gave you a handful this morning. You munched on it for a bit, then I started hearing a weird noise. I turn to see you pressing your finger down on each individual Chex to pop them. Really?!?!
We walked down to get the mail in the afternoon like we do most days. On the way back up to the house you acted like you wanted to sit on the bench so I told you to as I walked up the steps to put something on the porch. I had my eye in you the whole time thank goddess because you looked up at me, smirked and took off running for the street. I ran after you as quickly as I could yelling out for you. When I got to you, you were nearly in the middle of the street. I scooped you up and tried to explain to you that you cannot run from me like this in the front yard. Not a minute passed before that black car came flying up the street.
We went over to Melissa's to see Baby Ethan. You liked petting his head. Izzy wasn't too keen on sharing her things with you. At one point, she pushed your hand off of something and you looked at her like, "Tell me one more time I can't put my hand on that" and immediately put your hand back down on it as you glared at her with such attitude. Melissa and I busted out laughing.

You liked riding on Izzy's ladybug. The picture is all blurry because you were rocking so fast!

tonight. Still haven't figured out what that is about.
It was just you and Reed at MMO today. Mrs. Margie said you and her have kinda paired up.
When I picked you up you ate cheese balls on the way home. When I got you out, you were covered in snot and cheese ball dust. It's not really visible in this pictures, but trust me. It was there! Just lovely!
You slept for your usual 30 minutes or so in the crib and then I grabbed you when you awoke. You slept on my chest/tummy for another 1 1/2-2 hours while I watched TV on the couch.
Look how big your feet are compared to mine!
We went outside in the late evening to trim the blackberry bushes. You and B were so sweet together.
I found a worm while pulling up stuff and showed it to you. You weren't afraid at all to grab it and play with it.
We went to The Big Latch On Saturday morning. You didn't really feel like breast feeding because as soon as we got there, it was time to latch on and all you wanted to do was play, look around and get a balloon like the other kids. You were supposed to nurse for 1 full minute and that absolutely didn't happen so I don't know if we truly counted towards the record. Oh well, if not, we were there for support.
On the way home I stopped by Krispy Kreme. I got 2 regular doughnuts, a banana pudding and carrot cake ( both limited edition). You had your first taste and loved it. I left the banana one for Daddy but I think he gave you a little taste.
I got you to repeat, well, try to repeat some words and you did for me. Other times you wouldn't. That was when you had your thumb in your mouth and you were all quiet and content.
Daddy took you in your room to play and I made a big blueberry Dutch pancake. I also scrambled you some eggs. At first, you wouldn't touch the pancake, but finally you did and love it-like I suspected.
We did a tiny bit of yard work and then took you down to the duck pond to feed the ducks and play at the playground.

There wasn't a single kid at the playground. I guess everyone was at home or church. Since it was pretty warm out and you were sleepy, we headed back home for you to nap. We hung around the rest of the day.
New this week:
*You find our socks, hand them to us to put on you and you walk around the house in them. Daddy says because the heel comes up so high on your leg, it makes you look like a Centar or the half man/half goat bull things. Now, that's all I think of when I see you in our socks.
*You find our socks, hand them to us to put on you and you walk around the house in them. Daddy says because the heel comes up so high on your leg, it makes you look like a Centar or the half man/half goat bull things. Now, that's all I think of when I see you in our socks.
*You've been letting me and Daddy change you on the changing table. We had stopped months and months ago because you treated it like a suicide mission, but now you are pretty chill as long as we give you the heart on the wall that plays "Row, row, row your boat." You actually kinda say "row, row, row" in your own little way as soon as we lay you down.
*We have found you with the remote several times pointing it at the TV and pressing buttons. You haven't messed up too much, but you do have the ability to get rid of say, 45 minutes of paused TV and skip ahead. Kinda irritating.
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