Monday :
We didn't do much today, just stayed home. You got all excited waving at somebody/something. Probably Sharpie if I had to guess.
We went to Zoo Atlanta with Tiffany and Landon. We got to see the pandas, monkeys and a few other animals we missed last time. We had to stop and see the parakeets since you can get up close and personal with them. We bought a seed stick for you and Landon to feed the birdies with. Y'all loved it!! Like, nearly peed your pants loved it. (In all actuality, you most likely did pee your pants, but you know what I mean. ; ) )
This time instead of the carousel, we rode the train.

Then we went to the splash pad for y'all to play.

We snuggled and snoozed together in the early evening. Love our cuddle time together.
That night you pulled out the paper towels, tore off one and immediately wiped your face with it. Smarty pants.
You also peed in the potty. Woo Hoo!
Read all about my birthday here.
Thursday :
We stayed home again today. You napped in the morning for almost an hour and a half. In the afternoon you napped for another hour and a half. That's the most you napped in a few days combined. Of course, I got nothing done. I actually sat on the computer the whole time and then realized how long it had been. I just assumed you do your usual 20-40 minute nap so I didn't want to get started on anything.
You tried tickling and blowing raspberries on my tummy tonight. It was the cutest. You'd pull up my shirt and gently wiggle your fingers on my stomach and giggle the whole time.
You didn't make it through the whole movie. You got super sleepy = grumpy so I put you down. Later on that night you woke up crying and Daddy went in to see about you. We didn't know what was wrong with you because you wouldn't calm down. Even just him holding you , you were all over the place and screaming. I came in and took you and you needed up screaming for over 30 minutes. You had your mouth hanging open and you drooled all over my shirt. I assumed it was your teeth so we tried giving you some pain medicine but you pretty much refused. We had to force it down you. Finally you settled down, but in doing so I noticed you were all congested. The next morning when I tried to nurse you, it was difficult because you could t breathe through your nose. Perhaps you picked up a little summer cold from starting MMO or maybe it was caused from you teething? Or both? I hate not knowing.
You were really congested first thing, but then that turned into a runny nose. Thankfully you didn't have a fever and didn't seem to be feeling too bad.
We were a little late in getting to MMO this morning. When we walked in you were the only kid there. As I pulled into the parking lot, Melissa called to say her water had broke. I left you, ran a few errands that I had to do and picked you up early at noon. We came home so I could get some things together. You slept, we both ate and then I dropped you off at Tiffany's about 1:30 so I could go to the hospital to be with Melissa and Alex. You played with Landon until Daddy could get you around 3.
This was my view from the hospital courtyard on Peachtree. I love this building. It was surprisingly quiet out, very peaceful actually. And it felt really good. I had dinner out here and later on we welcomed Baby Ethan into the world. I'm so happy I was asked to be there for Melissa and Alex at this special time. Melissa was there for us and now I got to return the favor.
You got to hang out with Daddy and when I returned at midnight, I went in to nurse you. You were burning up! I didn't actually take your temperature, but I know you had a fever. Since you were stuffy for most of the day, you couldn't nurse good and I definitely felt it when you ate that night.
We just hung around the house most of the day. After we napped (yes both of us), I took you up to Kohls to use some Kohl's cash. I put you in the stroller and you did so good. Afterwards, we went up to Siracusa's to watch Daddy in his bocce ball game. You would just be so happy if you could play with these balls. You can actually pick them up, but they are so heavy. I'm afraid you'll drop one on your foot. You get so excited watching people throw and roll them. You start jumping around.

Tonight as I was rocking you to bed I heard you say "Uh oh." I looked and expected you to be awake looking at something, but you were still dead asleep in my arms. Guess you are taking after me and my talk-in-my-sleep ways.
We all stayed at home. Daddy grilled a delicious dinner of chicken, asparagus and bok choy.
That morning when you escaped while we changed your diaper, you tried to sit down in your Minnie chair. Daddy told you not to with your naked butt. So instead you leaned backwards a little, picked up the chair and carried it around behind you without your butt touching....barely.
We started watching Footloose, but not soon after, you woke up. You started crying and began to get all upset again like Thursday night. I went in and took you and just told Daddy that we'd read or something instead of continuing the movie. I walked in the living room, sat on the mattress and tried laying you down. I expected you to start screaming, but you had already passed back out just on the walk from your room to the mattress. We turned the movie back on and finished watching it. You never once woke up in the hour and a half or so. You tossed and turned here and there. I can't remember the last time we were able to do that. We let you sleep with us that night and you did good.
New this week:
*You do this thing where when you are laying down, you start shaking your head back and forth. I lean over you and touch my nose to yours and then shake my head with you. Basically we are doing a really, really fast Eskimo Kiss. You laugh and get so giggly doing it. One night you leaned over to me while Daddy was holding you and put your nose to mine. I love that we have a "thing."
*You "cluck" like a chicken (you make the noise with your tongue), "moo" like a cow and "hoo-hoo" like an owl. You sort of make the "Ooh ooh aah aahh" monkey noise too.
*You are really into using a spoon and fork. Sometimes if I can't get you to try something from my fingers you will if it comes from a fork. Your hand-eye-mouth coordination is really good. I'm impressed.
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