Home again. Our day consisted of the usual: laundry, eating breakfast and lunch on the porch, playing outside. You can get down the steps by yourself and you love to sit on the bottom step. You even pat it for us to sit down next to you.
Giving Bandit some sweet hugs & kisses
After your new diaper this morning, you ran up to Daddy and actually jumped up into his arms. That's the first time we noticed you doing that.
You helped me make the bed up after Daddy left. You handed me the pillows and were so excited about it.
We went to one of my favorite places: The Marietta Square. We met Jennifer and Macy at Hemingways for lunch. Daddy was supposed to join us, but had a last minute meeting pop up. I had a ridiculously good burger and you were very good. After lunch, we walked around the square, peeking and popping into shops. I'd put your big yellow daisy in your hair and no less than a dozen people commented on it. You got sleepy and I put you on my back to nap. Once you fell asleep, no one could see your face, so they still commented on the flower and of course, your adorable sandals.
Apparently, 2:30 pm on a Tuesday the week school starts back is the time to get a picture of the fountain without any other people in it. I can't tell you how happy I am to get this beautiful shot. When we first pulled up, the fountain wasn't on, but after eating, some men worked on it and filled it up for us to admire.
The square was decorated for some sort of anniversary. The flags and banners looked so pretty.
You ran up and the wind was blowing in our direction. We both got sprayed with water from the fountain.

You played on the train a little bit. You couldn't go down the slide because it's metal and it was a million degrees. But once it cools off this Fall, I promise I'll take you back. Unfortunately, the real Choo-Choo wasn't operating on the tracks. They were making some repairs down track and the usual trains that come through every 45 minutes or so never did. I'm sure they will this Fall and you'll love it.
We each enjoyed a strawberry and coconut lemon cupcake from Miss Mamie's Cupcakes. The strawberry basically tastes like Breyer's all natural strawberry ice cream, but in cake form. And the coconut lemon had this amazing lemon curd surprise inside.

I brought you to MMO in these adorable plaid Osh Kosh Bigosh overalls. In fact, I had to get this picture of you before I loaded you into the car even though we were running late. It was a good thing I did because when I picked you up, you were in another outfit. You dropped blackberries into your seat and they got smashed into the overalls.
While you were at MMO, Aunt Katha called to tell me the girls were down at her house as a last minute get together before school started. We went down and you played and swam with Ava and Laney. You also got to see McLaren and Nicholas and Jennifer. We had dinner with Aunt Katha, McLaren and Ava up at Big Daddy's and you did really good. I ordered you grilled chicken fingers and fries and I got a grilled chicken salad. After you finished your food, you started pointing to mine. I couldn't figure out what you wanted so I let you get it. It was lettuce! I was shocked to see you eat a few pieces. It was doused in really delicious homemade ranch which probably helped.
Once we finished supper, we headed back to Aunt Katha's house so you could play with Hadley. Y'all both look so cute with your pigtails.
You were sweet and gave Hadley hugs. She wasn't as sweet to you though. She didn't like you sitting in "her" chair and grabbed you by your shoulder and basically threw you out. Later on you sat back down in it and she pulled your hair...twice. The look you gave me when she pulled it the first time was priceless. It was of such shock.
Here's that little stinker.
Aunt Katha read your Highlights Hello books to both of you before we went home for the night.
I really needed to wash up the dishes from the morning but you weren't too keen on this idea. You wanted me to hold you. My solution was to pull up a chair next to me so you could see what I was doing and so you could be near me and "help." It worked!

I dropped you off at MMO and you reached out to Mrs. Margie. She took you and we stood there talking for a few minutes. You never fussed or reached for me. Then she sat you down and you ran off playing and I left. I'm so happy you aren't crying when I leave and enjoy being there.
I went home to clean and straighten up before Grammy and Grampy arrived. Then B and I picked you up and you fell asleep on the way home.
It took you about 20 minutes or so to warm back up to G&G, but once you did, it was all fun.
We were supposed to go up to surprise Daddy at work for his 10 year work anniversary, but a really bad storm came through right before we left. Once it let up, he headed home and we went down to Antico Pizza. You went nuts over this pizza. We understand. It's amazing. Like, the best! You were biting and ripping off pieces of chewy, cheesy goodness like crazy. We all loved it and so did you!
After inhaling two pizzas, we walked over to Caffe Gio to have some gelato and sorbet. I got the salted caramel gelato and Grammy and Daddy both got lemon sorbet. We ate out on the patio and let you run and splash in the puddles. Water was dripping off of the roof here and it tickled.
Grammy brought gifts for you. A bear that you can wear on the front or back like Mommy. It really stays better when it's on your back.
She also brought you the cutest monkey slippers, but here you are in her slippers that Uncle Mikey got her for Christmas years ago. She figured you'd like your slippers if she tried hers on too. It worked!

We were supposed to go tubing down the Chattahoochee with The Green's, but the weather was iffy, so we decided to do lunch and bowling instead. They brought Landon over so you could entertain each other. Y'all did great and you both napped pretty well. You slept for a little in your crib and then woke up. But Grampy got you back asleep-on his chest and he snoozed with you. I know he was looking forward to napping with you. We had such a great time out and I know they enjoyed playing with you two.
After we returned, we grilled out. It ended up being very late when we ate, but we didn't get back home until after 6:00 and another storm blew through which prevented us from lighting the grill. Heck, it prevented us from being out on the porch. You both did good though; didn't get too fussy.
We all had breakfast outside and then later on, we grilled out again. We did an early dinner on the porch. Then Grammy rode with me to get a new seat for eating at the table. It's a seat with a tray that attaches to the chair at the table. It's basically the same thing that you were using, but this doesn't require a particular type seat like the cloth thing did and it's elevated which helps. It's much easier to clean and a lot easier to travel with. Even though your highchair folds flat, it's still so long and won't fit in my vehicle. You immediately sat down in it when we brought it home. Score!
Grampy put you in the crib after you tried to crawl up in it. You bounced and played and were so happy. I've been trying to put you in it to play and see that it's a happy place since you've been waking up crying from your naps but you want nothing to do with it. He did this several times that day and you were thrilled to be in it.
You sure do love these slippers Grammy got you.
New this week:
*We can get you to do a lot of things if we only ask you to "help." I guess that's the best way to go about doing things since it involves you. You want to help pick up, help shut the door on the dishwasher/fridge/trash/backdoor, help change your diaper. It also helps if I say I'm going to "help" you with something such as putting food on your fork and spoon.
*You've been getting the unicorn Grammy got you for your birthday and turning on the lights almost each night. You know exactly how to work it.
*You're saying "ball" and "highchair" and "tractor" when I say them from your book. You can say "ball" extremely good.
*You can get off the bed by yourself pretty good. You lay on your tummy and lower yourself down. you do the same thing on the couch and chair.
*While nursing you (at night mostly), you've started doing what I call "nursing acrobats". You twist, turn and contort your body all over me, the bed and the recliner. I have to re-adjust you a million times while you nurse. Sometimes I don't mind it, other times it's annoying.
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