Since the grandparents were visiting, we took Nini to Zoo Atlanta with us and Grandaddy went golfing with Daddy. We saw all of the animals first and then had lunch.

I changed you into your bathing suit and headed towards the splash pad. We detoured at the petting zoo. You wanted to pet all of the goats. You pointed to all of them and made me walk up to them with you.
This goat was such a sweetie. You leaned over and kissed one of the goats, not sure if it was this one though.
You and another little girl were really the only ones at the splash pad. It wasn't really hot, but it was incredibly humid out so we were sweating like crazy. Since school started a few weeks ago, the zoo wasn't crowded at all. That was perfect for us, you were able to see a lot more of the animals.
Stella and Nini
You fell asleep in the car on the ride home and I transferred you to a pallet on the floor. You slept for over 2 hours. I could not believe it!
For dinner, we went to The Italian Oven. You saw all of us dipping our bread into the olive oil and you decided to dip a Goldfish cracker in it all by yourself. Ahhh, I totally love you. Have I told you that lately?
That night we finally got a good picture of you in our socks looking like the mythical half goat/half man creature. This makes us laugh so hard.
Nini and Grandaddy brought up the chair that Aunt Jaycie got me from Mema Nettie and Big D's house. I'm so happy to have it in our home. I put the owl that Aunt Ginger made from Nettie's sweater in it. It's not shown, but I also took one of Grandma's blankets that she crocheted for me and draped it over the back and then perched the owl on top. It's perfect and very comfy actually. I love having family pieces in our home.
We stayed home since we were busy on Monday. You woke up in a good mood as usual, but after breakfast, that changed. You were just fussy and clingy and moooody. Luckily that changed after a nap.
As I was hanging up some of your clothes, you wanted to help apparently. I noticed you trying to put your clothes on the hangers. Don't worry baby, your time for chores will come soon enough.
You walked all the way from the car to your room at MMO this morning without holding my hand or getting nervous. Such a big girl.
After we came home and you napped, we visited with Wilma and Pauline. Wilma asked "Where's Mama?" to you and you turned around pointed to me. That's the first time you've done that.
Then we walked over to Willadene's for a bit. They sure love it when you visit.
You love this dog so much. I know I say it a lot, but seriously. You want to handfeed him each and every morsel and you lean over to kiss his back. You even try to pick up the plate that he's currently licking to only help him, I'm sure. Then you bring it to me. You've started clapping and calling his name after you eat. It's not exactly "Bandit", more like "Dan da", but I always know when you are calling him because you clap and look out into the yard. I'm pretty sure you have a mouth full of his food below. Yeah, that's become a problem..... Eh, whatta ya gonna do?
I brought out the coloring pad and markers I got your for your birthday. You see me write with pens throughout the day and try to mimic me when you get a hold of one. You enjoyed "coloring" for a short while. For some reason, you keep putting the tips in your mouth so you end up with a green or pink colored lip/mouth.
They say some kids are climbers and some aren't. Guess which category you fit into?
You were all moody again. So difficult. I was on the verge of calling Daddy at lunch and telling him to come home to deal with you. Some days I just don't know what I'm going to do with ya! You just refused to listen to me. Then you'd smirk and run off laughing. You drive me nuts sometimes. But I love you.
At naptime, I tried to get you to fall asleep on the floor on the pallet with me. I'm trying to transition you from me rocking you, to me patting/rubbing your back on the floor, to you falling asleep by yourself in the crib. I truthfully don't want to stop rocking you. I so love our time together like that and I'll still do it here and there, but I'm hoping that by you falling asleep by yourself, you'l be able to nap longer than 30 minutes because you can put yourself back to sleep. Who knows?!
Finally!!!! The pool is clean enough for us to swim in once again. The rain and storms kept messing it all up. I walked in my closet to get my bathing suit and walked back out into the guest room. I thought I felt a presence but didn't see you. Then you just walked out of the curtain and scared the crap out of me. You didn't jump out and "Ta Da" like you normally do. You basically walked in, hid in the curtain and I actually don't think it was intentional and legitimately accidentally scared me. You are making your father so proud.
Love this! You have the cutest tushy! So hard to pick a favorite from these next few pictures!
We swam and you really enjoyed it. It had been over a month since we'd been able to get in. I laid you back down on the floor on top of a blanket that Grandma crocheted for me. I started supper and you woke up right as I was about to start frying the cube steak. (You seem to be waking up on the floor very confused and almost scared. You are shaking sometimes when I pick you up.) But just as soon as I walked in the kitchen, Daddy walked in from work and he took you. You went back to sleep on him, I ate supper and then I headed out to get my haircut. It was 6:30 when I left and you were still asleep. He said it took him a while to get you woke up. He said you never once fussed or cried while I was gone.
On the way into the church for MMO, Joey opened the door for us on his way in. You did not like this and starting acting scared of him and wanted me to pick you up. He said, "Fine, I'll never hold the door for you again." I laughed and told you it's a good thing when someone holds the door and you're not supposed to fuss about it.
I came back home and cleaned up the house, then went back to pick you up. Bandit rode to the church both times with us today. He loves his rides and sticking his head out the window. You got your cup of cheese balls and spilled them all over the hallway. You typically shovel them in your mouth and pass out immediately thereafter, but not today. It was 2:15 before I got you to fall asleep. And you woke up early this morning, like 7:30'ish too. You slept for an hour by yourself on the floor.
You didn't get to spend any time with Daddy today because he had to work late. By the time he got in, you were sleepy so he just kissed you goodnight and we did our bedtime routine and you went to sleep.
We stayed up late Friday night watching TV shows so it wasn't all that great when you woke up at 7:30 again. We just hung out around the house not doing much of anything. Daddy let you play until you passed out on the floor and you slept for a whole hour and a half!
When you woke up, we went over to Alex and Melissa's to visit Izzy and Baby Ethan while Daddy played at Top Golf with the guys. You and Izzy played good, but you seemed to get pretty sleepy around 6:30 or so and got super quiet. Daddy and everyone returned and we went out for dinner to celebrate Mahon's birthday. Even though it was late, you did really good. We sat on the patio so you and Izzy could run around. It as 10:30 before you fell asleep. You really were excellent which made us so happy.
Since it was so late when you went to bed the night before, you slept in, until about 9 I think. That was wonderful for us. By the time I got in bed Saturday night, it was 12:02 am and you woke up crying at 6:02 am. It only took me minutes to fall asleep, so the six hours of sleep was so needed and great.
We went swimming in the pool for a while, then Daddy sprayed you with the hose when he was cleaning out the pool filter. Whenever one of us turns the water hose on, you drop whatever you're doing and start squealing with delight and running towards us with your hands up.
I noticed some throw up in the crib and then you had some messy diapers for the next few days. I guess you picked up a little bug or something you had didn't agree with you. You never acted like you felt bad which was good.
You kept pointing up to all of your bows and finally I got these down for you. These are the feather bows Aunt Ginger made you. You pretty much insisted on wearing them the rest of the afternoon. Daddy started calling you "Princess Leila."
Then you put all of your bracelets, rings and necklaces on and let me take your picture. Silly girl. I can't wait until you start dressing yourself. It's going to be an adventure, I'm sure!
I got you to fall asleep on the floor for bedtime. I wasn't able to move you to the crib though without waking you, so I just left you on the floor. Whenever you woke up in the middle of the night, I moved you back to your crib. Daddy is definitely more successful with getting you to fall asleep on the floor so I might have him lay with you at night after we do your bedtime routine and you nurse.
New this week:
*You can stack your blocks pretty well. You can get 3 or 4 by yourself, but if I help steady them, you can almost stack all of them by yourself.
*When you are finished eating, you lift up your plate, hand it to me and say "Alllll" for "All done."
*You've been pretty bad about putting Bandit's dog food in your mouth this week. We have to squeeze your cheeks and make you spit it out. Sometimes we have to dig around in there and risk loosing a finger to get it out.
*If you see a shoe, sock, remote or phone laying around, unattended, you feel the immediate need to hand it to us, especially when it comes to the remote or phone. If Daddy brings his shoes and socks into the living room to leave, you pick them up and try to hand them to him over and over again until he takes it. You even bring me my flip flops on the porch and put them on me while I'm eating.
*If you see a napkin or tissue lying around, you will wipe your face/nose with it. The other day, I was using the potty and you noticed me wiping and you happened to have a sock in your hand, so you put it between your legs and made a wiping motion.