Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Cape San Blas Lighthouse

Well, we finally made it up the Cape San Blas Lighthouse in Port St. Joe. Wait....what? Yes, the Cape San Blas lighthouse is not out on the cape, but instead in PSJ. It got moved a few years ago to this spot here when the water threatened it's safety. Stella and I have been trying off and on to go up to the top for about two years. The thing is, the museum is only open a few days a week with limited hours and they won't let you climb if it's too windy or raining. So it was difficult for us to time everything right, but we finally made it.  

Stella attended Vacation Bible School next to the lighthouse this summer so that is what actually helped us achieve our goal of getting up top. The next eight photos are ones taken the week prior to our trip to the top. The clouds, sunset or a combination of the both was just too right for me to not take a picture.

June 26

This was such a beautiful evening. Many families were waiting to have photos taken in front of the steps. One let us run up and snap a few while they got situated. 

June 27....what a difference a day makes.

One day before VBS (on June 29 to be exact) we came over to PSJ early and went in prior to it starting. I wasn't sure if it was going to happen as it had been raining earlier that day, but as you can see below, the weather was perfect by the time we made the 15 minute drive from Mexico Beach.

The marina in middle background.

At the top!

There are 131 steps to climb and the further up you climb, the smaller and thinner and trickier they become. We passed a few people on the way up and down and let me tell you, forget personal boundary rules! You get real up close and personal in that tube.

Stella had turned into Grumpy Gillian (we say as a Gemini, she has split personalities: Sweet Stella or Grumpy Gillian) by the time we got to the top. She was no fun to be around and I let her know it. We sat down in the shade, took in the sights and enjoyed the breeze and had a talk about it. She was in a better mood after chilling out at the top for about 10-15 minutes. We called Daddy and told him the exciting news too.

Here we are going back down....

This was fun and I'm so glad we were finally able to do this.

She better kiss me after putting up with her attitude!

So glad to be a part of this beautiful part of history and to have it closer to us.

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