After a private tour of the home by Nanny (yes, her given name as she told us), an almost 87 year old docent at the house and purchasing a few of the books to read to/with Stella, we headed to Cafe Intermezzo for 12:15 brunch reservations.
We'd never been to either place and both were purchased as a discount through ScoutMob. We'd heard for years that Cafe Intermezzo was THE place to go for dessert so we stuck with savory brunch choices. I had a crepe with ham, cheese and eggs. Donald had a duck confit omelette with rosemary potatoes. We both had new-to-us coffee drinks. Mine was definitely different, but it wasn't my favorite. After the hostess named almost every single dessert, we chose the quattro leches cake and split a piece. Between that and the caffeinated coffee drink I was a mess after we finished brunch. I was shaking and my teeth were chattering. And Donald was making fun of me. I could have ordered my drink decaf, but I forgot. While waiting for it I remembered, but then thought to myself, "Well, I'm eating a pretty substantial meal, so the caffeine shouldn't be an issue for me." Wrong. So wrong. My head felt all funny and I finally had to get up to go to the bathroom to take some deep breaths. I felt as though I could run at least a half marathon without stopping. Ugh, I hate that feeling.
Hopefully I will remember this feeling next time I get coffee and remember to stick with decaf like I normally do.
Kim's birthday was the day before and they were out celebrating. We met them up at Scofflaw Brewery in the West Midtown area for a few hours.
Then we checked in at The Renaissance Hotel in midtown, conveniently located next to The Cheetah.
We changed, then called for an Uber and headed up to the second game of the new season (our first) at SunTrust Park. We got to the stadium really quickly and easily and getting inside was fast too.
Donald's company split season tickets with two other companies so we got JAMCO's really good Delta 360 Club seats. Julie, Donald's coworker and her husband, Jeff had the other two seats. Having these tickets allowed us to get in two hours prior to first pitch as well as several free hot and cold buffets, and free drinks (beer and wine).
We made it out to see the flag being brought out and hear Timothy Miller sing the National Anthem. We also got to see three jets fly over during the song.
The night before, four fighter planes circled our house a few times and Donald commented that it was weird in all the years we'd lived there, that particular type of aircraft had never flown over our house. Then I suggested, "Maybe they are killing time before the start of the Braves game and their fly over." I was correct and minutes later they flew over during Phillip Phillips singing of the national anthem. Stella loved that they'd flown over our house.
Once again, my Braves earrings were with me. I'm pretty sure they've been to all three Braves stadiums. I was somewhere between 10-12 when they were given to me and I'm sure I would have worn them to the handful of games I attended at Atlanta-Fulton County stadium.

So happy to be out with my handsome husband.
Normally we tell Stella what we are doing while we are away from her, but this time we had to leave out the Braves game part of our date. She would have been so upset to know we were here without her. We called her during the game and at one point it got so loud I had to tell her I'd call back. I had to go into the club so I could hear here.
We really, really wanted to go to Opening Day and take her with us, but we couldn't get tickets, through TicketMaster or JAMCO. But then Donald found out we could use the ones from work on Saturday. We were basically going as guinea pigs to test things out for future clients who they may to the games. Free $200 tickets, free food and drinks. Nah, we didn't mind being those guinea pigs.
This view. It's nice. It's also weird because we are used to The Ted. The stadium lay out is very similar to Turner Field, but the background view is obviously different.

Trying to Uber back to the hotel was an adventure. Leaving the stadium didn't go as smoothly as getting there. We ended up walking all over the place trying to get as far away from the stadium as we could to get a lower rate and actually have someone be able to get to us. We walked to McDonald's at Spring and Cumberland. We got back to the hotel, showered and changed to go next door to The Cheetah.
We had some drinks, saw many gorgeous women and even met some pretty cool couples. I even did some dancing with a few ladies when my rum, cranberry and lime drinks kicked in all at once it seemed.
This hotel door shot was courtesy of those drinks. We walked the halls late at night/early morning playing hide and seek and essentially did an accidental recreation of that stupid scene in the movie Serendipity when Kate Beckensale puts herself and John Cusack into two different elevators inside The Waldorf Astoria and says if they are meant to be then they will find each other on the correct floor. I hate that movie and I told Donald this when he suggested the game. But I guess we are meant to be because we found each other without phones within a few minutes on another floor. I was in the elevator and he was on a floor waiting on the door to open....and it was me.
We were up soo late-almost 6:30 I think. We, ok I slept until 9:15 when Donald woke me up. We had to get ready to go to LaGrange for Easter Dinner at Aunt Bonnie's. We had a great talk on the hour drive down and since I was hungry in the middle of the night, I ate way too much fried chicken and other delicious food when we arrived. Stella was happy to see us too.
This was a perfect day. We try to be good about having date nights, but that rules out a lot of stuff we can't do during the day which is why I suggested the 24 hour date. This is a definite must do again!
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