So basically the air conditioner went out....again on Wednesday. Someone came to the house on Thursday to check things out. We found out it was going to be about a week or so to fix it since they had to order a part. So our plans got changed slightly. The original plan was to be kid-free at the beach with Kim and Brian. Donald, me and Stella were going to leave Friday morning and drive to Sylvester, drop Stella off at my parent's house and then go to MB for the long weekend. Instead, we drove separately so I could hang out at the beach house for a few days after the 4th since the air would still be broken, it was still summer, obviously and Stella should be good in Sylvester with our parents. Stella and I left Thursday evening and drove to Sylvester. Kim, Brian and Donald left Friday morning. When I arrived in MB, I unpacked and then headed straight to Mr. G's for tacos. The best tacos. Ever.

And once again, I over-ordered. Ahhh, they are just so good. And that hot loaded baked potato salad? Insane. So when Donald arrived he helped me out by finishing a few bites of everything.
Then we took Kim and Brian to Shipwreck for supper.
Saturday we went to Killer Seafood for a tasty and filling lunch and then hung out on the beach the rest of the day/evening.
Sunday we hopped in Kim's Jeep and rode over to Panacea to do a little sight-seeing and see where Brian grew up visiting the beach at his grandparent's place. It was a pretty drive, but a hot one as we had the windows down and part of the top off. Luckily, I was in the backseat and not in any direct sunlight.
We had lunch at Mad Anthony's which is right on the water at the marina in Panacea. It was really quite fancy for the area and very good. It had a Polynesian vibe to it.
That evening we ordered Crazy Beach Pizza and played some really intense games of UNO.
Monday the water was gorgeous.
Kim found us these two patriotic themed headbands so we had to wear them on the beach right?! Ok, they were really only on for a few minutes to take a picture, but we did wear them more that evening.
I fixed supper-baked ham, cabbage and loaded baked potatoes. It was so good.
That evening we took the boat to the marina and the plan was to float out in the water just off shore and watch all of the fireworks on shore. But the wind was crazy. We made it out of the canal and basically did a big U-turn and brought it back in. As we were coming back in the canal the fireworks from the pier started. We tied up to the side of the canal and hopped out to watch the show.
But then the boat did it's thing-mess up and not crank which left us stranded in the canal for over an hour. We were thisclose to sending Donald on a hike to get back to the truck, drive home to grab the trolling motor while me, Kim and Brian just bobbed up and down in the canal. But with the boys tinkering and persistence, they got it working just long enough to get us back in.
Things could have been much, much worse. We could have gotten stuck out in the open water and risk capsizing because guys? Those waves were insane. Or we could have had two whiny, tired and hungry kids irritating the crap out of us or it could have been raining. So really this was the best scenario that could have happened.
Tuesday morning Kim and Brian left and Donald left too. They returned home and I got to have quality time with myself for a few days.
I did some adult coloring. Oh and can I be honest? Everytime I hear or see the words "Adult coloring" I think of it in a sexual manner for like, 2 seconds. As though I should be coloring naked drawings. Anyways...on to my patriotic coloring pages in my book.
I went up to Toucan's for the first time in many, many years. I met Joe and his family up there along with a bunch of his friends back home who were down visiting. He'd told me the food had gotten a lot better (along with the service) and he was right. At least for this particular visit. I walked up there, met some cool folks, had some good food out on the deck and then walked back home. It was nice to not have a kid or any agenda and to just do my own thing.
Not a bad view for a Wednesday.
Thursday I headed back to Sylvester to see my sweet girl. I passed this windmill and had to pull over and snap it.
Realized the photograph in the bathroom had to be me around the same age that Stella is now. I may have been a little younger, but still. It's neat to see a little resemblance. Ok, a slight resemblance? Teensy? Ok, ok, None? Whatever, she really is mine.
Friday morning I had a major snuggle bunny on my hands. All up in my personal space. But I didn't mind.
We returned home Friday evening and went straight up to The Crafty Hog. Stella napped really late so we were able to go up there to play outside to burn some energy. We raced each other on the shuffleboard courts. Stella really enjoyed the competitiveness.
This was a great week. I had time with D and Kim and Brian. I got to read a bunch of magazines, watch a little Netflix and just relax. Stella got to see Finding Dory (again) with LollyPop and spend time with them and Nene, Grandaddy and her cousins.
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