So A LOT was happening for the holidays (and we continued to be busy hence me finally posting this in May!).
I created this bucket list and honestly, was so, so proud of myself. I downloaded all of the fonts, color coordinated them and stamped it with Christmas stamps. I was very pleased with myself.
We went to Cooks Christmas Tree Lot in the Big Lots parking lot (wow, that a lot of "lots" in one sentence) to get our tree on Monday November 30th. I really wanted a nice family photo with our tree but that did NOT happen. I'm not even gonna lie-I was upset about this.
Stella helped us with the lights the next night, then me and her decorated it a few days later. Actually, that's not true. I decorated the tree, she took it upon herself to decorate the two mini artificial trees. She got serious with her decorating and would not let me put ornaments on "her" tree.
We'd made plans to go to Smyrna Market Village the next night (Dec 1) for their Christmas tree lighting but it was raining and it got cancelled. We didn't realize it was rescheduled for the next day and missed it. But we did drive through the lights one night and she loved it.
Winter morning snuggles....
....and giggles. Oh, the best.
We made these paper plate faces. They came in handy for when she got grumpy. She could just hide behind them. Then, I'd use a bit of humor to tease her just a bit and she'd snap out of her mood.
My favorite one is the polar bear.
I bought this Christmas Garden Kit from Kinnucans a while back on clearance and broke it out. Stella helped pack the soil, sprinkle the seeds, and water. We documented the seedlings growth, but ultimately this was a failure. I forgot about it when we went out of town for Christmas/New Years and everything shriveled up and died.
I cleaned off the kitchen work bench and got it all cutesy for Christmas cookie baking time.
I hung out "Jingle Bells, Shotgun Shells" lights that we got from Beau and Melanie at Justin and JP's tacky Christmas ornament party a few years back. Sadly, they didn't last for the season.
I'm collecting Christmas/Winter themed books for a book Advent calendar so I displayed them in her room with "her" trees.
We shifted the bookshelf and couch down towards the kitchen and put the tree in a new spot this year. I loved it's placement.
I put up some greenery and red bows around the porch on the 12th which I had been kind of wanting to do for a while. This was simple and fairly quick and I loved it.
Stella and I went to The West Cobb Avenues on Wednesday December 16th for a horse-drawn carriage ride and special holiday themed activities. I found this holly leaves and berries pillowcase dress at a consignment sale the year before (I think) which I thought was highly coincidental when she became obsessed with holly berries and holly bushes this winter season. So of course I had to get a picture of her picking the berries in this dress.
Playing/singing "Ring around the rosy" while waiting for our "sleigh" ride.
Because she was so young and doesn't understand the concept of waiting in line and also because it was just the two of us, we got to skip the line. The ladies informed us they were in need of filler people for the carriage ride so instead of us waiting in what was probably a 2+ hour line (this was a free event), we just waited off to the side and they would call us up when they needed us to fill a seat. Perfect. We shared some fro yo while waiting for probably 20-30 minutes.
...and her alter ego-Grumpy Gillian
As you can see by her near Summertime attire, it's wasn't exactly Wintry out, but it did look the part.
The horses names were Frankie and Jessie and she talked about them for weeks afterwards.
Matching shoes
She liked tickling my homemade peep toe shoes.
Over at Ted's Montana Grill she got to decorate a bison/buffalo (I never know the difference) cookie and then inhale it.
She asked me to take a picture of her sitting with this bear.
We tried on these silly glasses that made the lights look like snowflakes when you looked directly at them.
We walked over to take a look at Santa, but she just wanted to gaze at him from afar.
We made the haul down to Lenox Mall on Thursday the 17th to ride Priscilla the Pink Pig.
This day was the last day of her 8 week class at Jitterbugs. Miss Suzanne made her a crown. She didn't want to wear it during class, so I did. But as soon as we got here she wanted to wear it.
She enjoyed this but not like I thought she would. She takes after her Daddy so much sometimes and it's hard to tell if she's excited, upset or near comatose. He's just so even-keeled most of the time.
Then we dined at the bar at CPK. She really liked sitting up high and watching the pizzas get made.There was a lot going on which kept her occupied.
This was the backside of the Santa area. Again, we just peered at him from a distance. (You're going to notice a theme here, trust me).
Stella had her Christmas party at school on Friday, December 18th. A local author stopped by to read a few books and left some with the kids. We ended up with Where's Wilson? It's such a cute rhyming book about one of the sheep (#4 to be exact) we count at bedtime. I'm a sucker for mostly anything that rhymes so I love reading this one.
That evening we went to Brawner Hall with Nene for their free Christmas community event. Below, Stella made history. This was the closest she got to a Santa (and we saw a bunch of them this holiday season). She actually handed him her weenie dog balloon but then wouldn't go back for it. Sooo, Mama to the rescue. But I'm so happy she at least acknowledged him and approached him.
She picked out stickers to decorate a gift bag with and a tattoo for her cheek.
So proud of her for hugging this snowman.
She really wanted to do the same with this reindeer, but he was so tall that it scared her. Him squatting down to her level was still too much for her.
It was quite cold this night, but we still did the hay ride-well just me and Stella. Nene stayed inside where it was warm and toasty.
When we came back she decorated a cookie and sipped on hot cocoa.
They didn't have this free event in 2014 and I was pretty bummed about it. I was so happy to hear they were hosting it again. Thankfully, TB Hall wasn't very crowded so it wasn't too overwhelming for Stella. She really enjoyed herself.
We rode through the Lights of Life that Sunday the 20th, then joined The Gelsthorpe's afterwards. Stella did the pony ride and petting zoo.
Stella and Alice played and played. Then Stella squatted in the lawn, pulled her britches down and peed right in front of the glow from a street light and a handful of teens. That's my girl.

We did a Christmas themed photoshoot in Mary's backyard with the intention of using some as Christmas cards. But Donald didn't get around to editing them to his liking so the time came and went. So I just shared a few on fb right before Christmas. This was one of my favorites. And yeah, I accidentally strung the HO-HO-HO banner up backwards but since I knotted between each letter, I would have basically destroyed the banner so I just left it as is. That's real life people!
Snowman pancakes on the 22nd.
I bought Stella her own baking set from IKEA which included a mini rolling pin (see above), this baking sheet (below), 2 baking tins (a bundt & a tart pan) and 3 cookie cutters. I wrapped it for her to open especially for this holiday baking event.
When Daddy got home on the 23rd, we decorated the cookies. She picked out the colors for the icing and we just let her go to town.
It took me a while to realize it, and I don't know if she was actually thinking like this at all, but she basically matched the icing to her shirt or vice versa.
Then she sprinkled sprinkles and added Nerds and mini chocolate chips. She loved this. I didn't help at all with the decorating-it was all her.
We didn't ice all of them because I didn't know how they would hold up. I actually didn't really care for the cookie. I normally love gingerbread, but these weren't that awesome. Oh well, all that matters is we made a wonderful memory and she enjoyed herself too.
Our Christmas Eve supper- spiral sliced honey ham, cornmeal dusted and rosemary roasted potatoes and green beans with shallots and pecans. This was wonderful, easy and pretty stress-free.
Donald bought the elliptical and TV for the bedroom a week or so before Christmas. That was our gift. Stella really fell in love with it quickly.
On Christmas Eve, it was raining so we sprinkled the reindeer food on the front porch so it was be dry for them. Next, we put out the cookies for Santa. Then we climbed into bed to watch a few of the really old "classic" Christmas movies. It was so nice-all three of us snuggling in bed not having to worry about rushing that evening or the next day because we would be in our home for the first time for Christmas.
I made this letter for Stella from Santa and was pretty proud of it. I felt like I was really channeling my parents on this one. I left it next to the cookies for Santa.
I stuffed the stockings and set out the gifts.
Then I set the table for Christmas breakfast.
Just some snowmen napkins (from Goodwill) and little red and green sprinkles for extra magic.
Christmas morning was a little odd. It was so muggy and very, very unseasonable. We actually had the windows and backdoor open. And of course, this was the first time EVER I have not woken up at my parent's house for Christmas. But I was so happy to be home starting our own traditions. Aunt Jessica and Uncle Mikey came over mid morning and spent a few hours with us. I was adamant about not leaving the house on Christmas Day or wanting to be rushed to leave for Sylvester. Wish granted. It was a wonderful, lazy pj day.
I found this Justin Beiber Christmas wrapping paper at Goodwill and wanted to purchase all 5 rolls specifically for wrapping all of Michael's gifts until I ran out. But then I thought that was ridiculous so I left it. But then I started having regrets. Luckily, Mama went down to the beach the next week and called me when she was at Goodwill. I told her to purchase one of each roll. Mission accomplished.
The day after Christmas we packed up and headed to Sylvester. Stella got a new homemade Elsa dress from Aunt Ginger. As you can see, she loved it!
Then her and Ivy got matching Cinderella tutu outfits and LeapPad computers from Nene. She wants no fights, girls!
Nene also got Stella some Frozen chapstick or "chapiss" as she calls it. Aunt Ginger also got the girls crowns.
Even these girls have to work tech support the day after Christmas.
Love these sweet girls. They are almost like twins.
We stepped back into the late 70's/early 80's for Christmas supper. Cocktail shrimp, cured ham, french onion soup mix & sour cream, chips, saltines and a devilish looking cheddar cheese, maraschino cherry and olive speared halved cabbage. Still not sure what to think of that one....(and it's May as I type this.)
Ladies, don't get your hopes up.....he's taken.
This was supposed to worn for the Ugly Sweater 5K but it didn't arrive in time. Instead he wore it for about 5 minutes as it was all anyone could stand.
We left Saturday night and rode out to my parents. The plan was to wake up Sunday morning and have Christmas all over again. Breakfast, stockings, presents, everything as though it was actually Christmas. This worked great.
As you can see, the weather on the 27th of December was still very warm. My mom found the butterfly wings in a catalog and I ordered them for her to be from them. She loves them.
Lolly and Pop found this adorable retro kid-sized patio furniture for Stella. There's a folding chair that goes with it, too. (I cannot believe the fan is on, too!)
And she got a grill and play food too.
We did a little golf carting around the property. In just our panties of course...some of us.
Lolly found an Olaf waffle maker so of course, we had to make waffles.
We went back out to Nene and Grandaddy's on Monday or Tuesday and did a little dirt road riding. We didn't even have the car seat in the truck. She just rode in my lap or sat on the console. We had the windows down, the sunroof open and she loved it.
This was such a good Christmas. We started new traditions, but still got to spend time with Michael and Jess, plus both of our parents.
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