Thursday, March 10, 2016

Springtime Crafts

Yes, I realize this post is labeled "Springtime crafts" and here is a picture below of my kid in Christmas pj's. Yes, she has others, buuttttt....they fit and she just looks so darn cute in them. 

So anyways....Stella made "soup" the other morning. Chicken, egg and frog poopy soup she says (I just learned the poop reference is from a book her Daddy read). Making soup entails her taking all of the ornaments off of the little Easter trees, putting them into a bowl, stirring vigorously to entangle all of them and then serving it to me while I make a "blah" noise and she giggles.

Yesterday, it was so lovely out. Just perfect. But we had two neighbors who decided to burn some stuff. No bueno for us. We couldn't be outside in all that smoke. So we crossed some artsy-craftsy stuff off the list. 

Bagel birdfeeders: set out bagels halves overnight (or for about a week because I forgot) to stale and harden up, cover in peanut butter, dip in birdseed, string and hang on the tree. I'd bought some mini bagels to make bagel bites for Stella, but the bagels weren't that great. They sat and sat in the fridge until I came across this on pinterest. Stella really loved the dipping it in birdseed part. So much that she decided to munch on some seeds herself. Perfect.

We hung four in the backyard on the peach tree and two in the front yard on the dogwood tree. Or this time of year it's known as the "Easter egg tree" since we hang plastic eggs from it. Last  year it was known as the "scrambled egg tree" because that was her favorite. I kinda miss that.

On Tuesday evening we went to Jitterbugs to make a springtime craft. With the help of Miss Ashley, Stella made the blue birds and three Hoppy Easter cards. Since Stella did so well, I thought we could shoot to make a few more hand/foot crafts. I showed Stella some options I'd pinned and she chose the duck, carrot and bunny. We also stamped 3 and 4-leaf clovers with corks that we rubberbanded together. 

She loves arts and crafts stuff like her Mama and this project was fun for both of us. I love the stuff that captures the true size of her hand and feet so we can compare and remember these times when she gets older.

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