Friday, December 4, 2015

Hiking Kennesaw Mountain

I've been wanting to hike up Kennesaw Mountain for quite some time now. It's been many years since I've been up. And I've really been wanting to take Stella and see how far she could make it.

We picked a wonderful day to do it and brought along our backpacks, picnic lunch and "binoculars".

It's a mile up and she walked roughly 0.6 miles up.

Of course she wanted to ride on my back for the last 0.4 miles-just the most difficult part.  I started huffing and puffing and she asked me what I was doing.  Then if I stopped to catch my breath she asked again. I would tell her, "I'm just catching my breath. This is hard and Mommy has an extra 32 pounds on her back."  When we finally made it up top and she played for a while she stopped, dropped to her knees and started huffing and puffing. Then she says, "I'm just catching my breath." For the record, I did not drop to my knees. At any point.

Stella pooped at the top of the mountain. That was fun. Don't worry, I left very little evidence. Again, so interesting being out with this kid. You never know what will happen. She gave some KSU students something to talk about for a while. Hehe.

She found a little boy to play with. They found a puddle in a rock and made it all muddy. Then they threw the mud and sticks and acorns and jumped over the puddle and ran around yelling. Stella left the mountain even heavier as she was a bit damp and covered in mud and dirt. 

She snacked then walked about 0.2 miles back down. Then hopped on my back and right at the end fell asleep. She snoozed all the way home.  I'm so glad we did this. She loved it and so did I. I was so impressed with how far she actually hiked. We will definitely do this again.

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