Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Sope Creek Hike

On Monday, October 5th, I took us to a new place to hike-Sope Creek.  I'd been wanting to go for years, so the night before I just decided we would go. It had been raining for what seemed like forever and we needed to be out in nature.  It was fairly overcast with a few bursts of blue skies and it was a very mild, just a touch of coolness in the air.

Of course we spotted lots of mushrooms because that's what I do. We found these teensy tiny ones growing on a tree.

And these vibrant orange-yellow ones covering this limb.

Even though the water was pretty cold and the temp was chilly and the sun wasn't really out, Stella just went right in. She kinda tripped and fell in, but wasn't phased by it. She ended up with one dry patch-her right shoulder blade.  Even her pigtails were wet.

We all sat on the rocks and had a snack and just took in the beauty and quietness. We only saw perhaps a dozen people the whole time were out-2 + hours.

My sweet boy giving kisses.

I ended up stripping her down to just her panties because I could tell she was cold. She said she wasn't but I could see her lips turning purple and she was starting to shiver so I put her in my jacket and threw her on my back to warm up. It worked out great and I'm so thankful I decided to bring the jacket in my backpack instead of take it off and throw it in the car before leaving. One of these days I'll actually remember to pack clothes and put them in the backpack instead of leave them in the car. They do no good there. 

This place was a great new find for us.  A bit of a drive to get to, but a nice change of scenery. Next time I'd love to find the ruins that I've seen in pictures. 

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