We had breakfast and then picked berries. You had quite the case of the tantrums to hit you that morning. You threw the back of your head into my chest so many times in a short amount of time. Finally, I'd had enough and picked you up, threw you in the crib, yanked the side up, shut the door and walked out. You cried pretty hard for a few minutes then mainly just whined after that. I needed a moment as you'd definitely pushed me over the edge. I got dressed, put on a little makeup and finished trying to get ready for us to go to the vet. I never let you cry like that but you were being ridiculous over such silly stuff.
I put you in the stroller and we walked B to the vet. You fell asleep on the walk back in the stroller so I stopped to pick wild blackberries from a bush I'd seen on the walk.
We went to Hobby Lobby that afternoon with Tiffany and Landon to get supplies for the baby shower this weekend. You rode in the wagon with Landon while I pushed the buggy. Y'all are so good together. You share food, drink and kisses. ; )
I love to watch you sleep. You are so sweet and beautiful when you do it.
We shared a Popsicle and you were very good about actually letting me have some. You even put the stick in my mouth.
You had another morning full of tantrums and got me upset again, but nothing like the day before. We packed up the laundry into the car and headed over to Tiffany and Landon's to do the wash since our washer was broken and so Tiff and I could do the decorations for the shower while y'all napped.
You fought pretty hard about taking a nap. I guess because you knew Landon was outside the door. I ended up having to put you in the Tula to get you to sleep. Took about two minutes! You slept for almost two hours I think.
Afterwards , you had lunch and y'all played and snacked that afternoon.
You chased each other through the train tunnel and played outside at the water table.
We stayed pretty much all day. That evening, you decided to munch on my toes again!

We went to Taylor Brawner Park to take pictures of you and also for Landon. I got a few really great ones. Afterwards, we decided to cool off with some frozen yogurt at Race-Trac. You were all moody and not very nice.

You waved with your left hand today. Normally you reserve the right hand for that since your left hand is usually in your mouth. You even move your whole arm now, not just your wrist. Sometimes, if you're feeling especially cheerful, you wave with both hands.
You stuck your foot in B's water bowl this morning. Guess you thought it needed a washing.
Daddy bathed you last night and put some music on his phone for you to listen to. You started dancing like crazy.
"Just sitting in my chair having a snack, Ma."
Daddy met a couple and their baby the week before. I invited the Mommy and the baby boy, Weston over to meet us. You wanted to touch him, kiss him and crawl in his car seat. At one point you sat down on too of him while he laid on the floor. You loved having a baby in the house.
You got another tooth today. Your 3rd one on the bottom. It actually broke through before the 4th top one did. The bottom ones snuck up on us. I didn't even notice the little toofers trying to peek through until Tuesday.
I asked you if you wanted to sit on the potty and this was the physical response I received. Weird thing is, you really don't like sitting on this potty, even if I read to you. I can only get you to sit on the potty insert in the bathroom. I guess it's because you can get up from this one below so easily. "I see your hiney, so white and shiny...."
We played hide and seek today. You did a good job of finding me. I hid between the shower curtains in our bathroom and I loved seeing the look on your face when you saw my feet peeking out and realized where I was.
Daddy bathed you and you danced like a fool again. We tried to get it on video but you wouldn't cooperate.
I caught you putting your magnetic letters down the tubes of the toilet paper and paper towels. I had wondered where they all went the week before but remembered Landon had been over and thought maybe he took them or hid them. I found you doing this on Wednesday, but didn't snap the picture until Friday. I picked up the rolls and the letters just poured out. Some were full all the way to the top.
We ran errands mid-morning: Target, Costco and Aldi. You were super good!
I love this naptime piggy peek-a-boo!
Daddy came home and We enjoyed a wonderful grilled streak, sweet potato and asparagus dinner on the porch.
Afterwards, I was out pushing you in your car and saw a few fireflies. It was kind of early in the evening , but I grabbed a jar so we could catch some. Apparently they were just teasing us because I couldn't find anymore. Daddy said it looked like you were sipping on some moonshine while cruising in your car.
I snapped a few pictures of the garden. The kale has been destroyed by caterpillars-like 100's of them. It was almost done anyways. Plus, we'd already gotten so much from these eight plants. Whatever is left is now caterpillar food. I'm hoping we'll have lots of butterflies soon! Wouldn't that be a wonderful outcome?!
We have this beautiful butternut squash, plus two more.
The blueberries and blackberries are coming in strong. We have more to pick each day. This makes you so very happy. I can't wait to make a cobbler!
We went over to The Hancock's for a baby shower for Alex and Melissa. You had so much fun playing with Sophie , Lily, Izzy and Landon. You and Landon loved playing peek-a-boo in the curtains.
Daddy bought you a new life vest. You weren't really a fan of the other one I had for you and I'm hoping you can also wear this one next summer. You seemed to like it. We let you bob around in the pool for a little, then took you out of it to swim with us.
After playing in the pool, you and Daddy took a nap together.
Daddy found a bag of balloons in his truck that he had purchased for your birthday party. He blew one up and bopped you on the head with it. You kicked and chased it around. Now I know what to do if you seem bored.
You had so much fun playing with plastic cups at the shower the day before that I gave you 5-6. You like pulling them out, putting stuff in them and then putting them back inside one another. This entertained you in the kitchen while Daddy prepared supper.
Earlier in the day I found you in the pantry with a dirty rag. I said, "No baby, that's dirty." You said, "Diirrr teee." I stuck my head out to see of Daddy had heard you. He says, "That sounded an awful lot like dirty." I said it again and you followed with "Diirrr teeee." You ended up saying it about 4-5 times. Daddy said, "Great. Her first word is 'dirty'. She's well on her way to becoming Monica Gellar."
I gave you an Aprium-apricot/plum hybrid and you devoured it. I'd been giving you slivers while they were still ripening up, but once they were the perfect ripeness, I just handed it to you in the highchair. Cue the inhale sound effects!
I got you to poop on the potty. I noticed you doing your thing that you do to get ready and picked you up and sat you on the seat on the potty. I started reading and a few moments later, you went.
New this week:
*Your shoe fetish is growing. You love attempting to put on our shoes/slippers and like to hand your shoes to is so we can put them on you. You've discovered yours and mine in the closet and point to them while making your "Shh" noise.
*You are hell-bent on taking the ceramic frog from the front porch with you when we walk off the front porch. If we don't get him, you'll go back a million times and will not walk off the steps. Daddy "hid" him from you by placing him on the table on the porch. Just doing that gets you off the porch a little faster. Just a little.
*You are now saying "Uh Oh" this week. But it's usually not the one uh oh, it's typically "uh oh" times 3 or 4. The shape your mouth makes when you do it is so cute.
*You point to the pages in Godnight Moon. You aren't really pointing to anything in particular yet, just following my lead each night. I've started taking your finger to point to everything that I'm reading.
*You like to shake your head "No" and also do this tap dancing feet move.
*You've begin hiding on the back porch between the storage cabinet and the table. If we walk out and "find you", you smile and run away. You have also been using it as your hideaway when you poop.
*You like to clean up and wipe the floor. A lot! The other night though, you got so frustrated trying to wipe up your magnetic letters. They wouldn't stick to the towel like you wanted and you were getting so angry.
*You have a new tooth on the bottom . It's the 2nd bottom tooth to the left. Now we are just waiting for tooth #8 (2nd bottom right) to pop through.
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