Friday, December 20, 2013

Cork Christmas Tree and Flower

This is another super quick and simple craft project. These guys here are my inspiration.  I may go back and paint some of the ends and add a star, but at this point I'm undecided. I think I'll make two of them when I have enough to do so. I really like the idea of having this one up in my kitchen year round. I feel if I paint it and put "ornaments" on it along with a star, then it will look too Christmasy.  I didn't even take photos as I was doing this because it's so self explanatory.  I just hot glued the 3 corks at the bottom. Then I glued the next 5 together. I then glued the bottom 3 to the 5. And repeated until I reached the 1 remaining cork up top.  I then glued a mini terra cotta pot to the bottom. Done!

I made this cork flower a few years ago. I'm pretty sure it was before I even knew what Pinterest was. I was making a cork board and had some leftover corks. I saw the "B" and really like the various shades of pink and purple from the wine on the ends of the corks. Since "B" is the initial of my last name I thought it would be cute to make a flower.  I display it on our bookshelf in front of one of my favorite wedding photographs.

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