Sandy beach snuggles on your last day as my two year old.
Your last picture as a two year old. You passed out hard between the beach and The Shell Shack at 7:30. You were covered in sand and desperately in need of a hosing off. Instead, you got a bath the next morning. After you slept for 12+ hours.
You have 8 freckles. I love finding new ones on you. (I'm editing this part a month after your birthday & I'm pretty sure 2-3 are new.) You have one beauty mark by your mouth, two on your on your left shoulder/upper arm, one above your left boobie, one under your left armpit, one on the left side of your mid back, one on your right hip and one of your right knee.
You love to walk Bandit in the backyard. You can put his collar and leash on all by yourself. Then you walk/run him around the yard. This is also one of your favorite things to do at the beach.
You love to watch TV. Some of your favorites are Super Wings, Paw Patrol, The Lion Guard and Tinkerbell movies.
You love to go out to eat at restaurants.
You love to sing along to parts of Elle King's America's Sweetheart, XAmbassadors Unsteady and Adele's Hello.
You still love going on nature walks and collecting things like leaves, flowers and especially rocks.
You stay dry most nights and occasionally wake us to take you potty. In fact, I got rid of all of your diapers and ordered you Pull-Ups just before you turned three.
You can reach most light switches and lift yourself onto the potty without a stool or using the potty seat.
Starting around Thanksgiving or Christmas you began saying you were going to Disney World when you turn three or for your birthday. We have no idea where this came from but you said it a lot in the beginning. Mostly when watching the beginning of a Disney movie and you saw the castle.
You have no fear of waves and the ocean and love to swim. Really anything having to do with water outside. It's not that you mind a bath but it still doesn't happen that often.
You've become a bit picky when it comes to food. You don't eat many veggies anymore. No longer will you munch on broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, mushrooms. You are coming back around to green beans and other beans.
But you will devour huge bowls of salad with shaved carrots, artichokes, goat cheese and tomatoes with dressing.
You've become quite the fan of cereal and toast.
You are also becoming quite the Daddy's girl. Whenever you get upset you cry for him. You get sad a lot and want to FaceTime with him or just talk to him. You say, "I wish Daddy could stay at home all day like you do" or "I miss Daddy."
You've started inserting yourself into everyone's conversation regardless if we mention you or are talking with you. You find words and then try to associate them with you. I call it your Google word search option. Example: If we mention the word "Silver" you automatically interrupt to say, "Yeah, like my friend Silver."
Or on Father's Day, the three of us were sitting around the dining room table at the beach. I say to Daddy who was watching coverage of the latest golf tournament: "Dustin Johnson-he just doesn't sound like a golfer. Sounds like he should be a NASCAR driver."
Daddy: "He's engaged to Paulina Gretzky."
Me: "Who's---"
You: "Yeah, we saw two jet ski's, Daddy."
Yes, we had seen two jet ski's earlier while walking Bandit, but we said "Gretzky." Now Wayne Gretzky will forever be Wayne Jet Ski thanks to you.
For your birthday you picked out the rainbow fish dress and we walked to the doughnut store. Before the door closed behind me you had pointed at the pink icing and chocolate shaving covered one.
You've started inserting yourself into everyone's conversation regardless if we mention you or are talking with you. You find words and then try to associate them with you. I call it your Google word search option. Example: If we mention the word "Silver" you automatically interrupt to say, "Yeah, like my friend Silver."
Or on Father's Day, the three of us were sitting around the dining room table at the beach. I say to Daddy who was watching coverage of the latest golf tournament: "Dustin Johnson-he just doesn't sound like a golfer. Sounds like he should be a NASCAR driver."
Daddy: "He's engaged to Paulina Gretzky."
Me: "Who's---"
You: "Yeah, we saw two jet ski's, Daddy."
Yes, we had seen two jet ski's earlier while walking Bandit, but we said "Gretzky." Now Wayne Gretzky will forever be Wayne Jet Ski thanks to you.
For your birthday you picked out the rainbow fish dress and we walked to the doughnut store. Before the door closed behind me you had pointed at the pink icing and chocolate shaving covered one.
We left the beach early afternoon and drove to Nene and Grandaddy's for a little family birthday party. Uncle Paul and Ivy were there along with Mema and Papa and LollyPop. Kristi and Silver joined us too. Aunt Ginger, Emily and Asher came over after VBS. We had BBQ sandwiches and Nene made you your favorite-chocolate cake.
Ivy blew out your candles the first go around. We re-lit them and you blew them out. Surprisingly, there weren't any tears from either of you.
Then Nene gave you both gifts-matching Elsa nightgowns. Then you got two Elsa dolls-one from Nene and the Frozen Fever Elsa from Aunt Ginger along with a few t-shirts.
We had your Pixie and Pirate party on Sunday, June 12th.
For the kids table I put the party favors, themed books and a few accessories to add to anyone's costume. The hook, eye patches, swords, bandannas and compasses came from Hobby Lobby. The mustaches were leftover from Justin and JP"s wedding. The fairy wings came from The Dollar Tree. I made pixie and pirate themed goodie bags. The pixie bags were stamped with a wand and filled with a Disney Fairies themed coloring sheet (printed from Pinterest), fairy tattoos and stickers and a pixie stick with a foil star glued to it. The pirate themed bag was stamped with a compass and filled with a pirate map coloring sheet (pinterest), pirate tattoos and stickers, plus a gold and silver chocolate coin. We also made homemade peppermint scented play-dough a few weeks prior as a take home. You liked kneading the colors into the dough. The party favor aspect was really fun for me to do and you enjoyed helping me fill the bags.
Lolly found this plate for you last year I believe. I'm so happy we could use it this year for your cake. It's perfect for you.
So you were supposed to be Tinkerbell. You fell in love with her the past Christmas when Wilma gave you a Tinkerbell doll for Christmas. You've seen all the movies and we know most of the Pixie Hollow fairies names. But on your birthday on the way to Nene's you told me "I don't want to be Tinkerbell. I never wanted to be Tinkerbell. I want to be Fawn." You'd worn Alice's Fawn dress at her birthday party and we'd borrowed Sophie's Tinkerbell dress. Luckily they were both 4T and each one of you were so sweet and willing to swap and share each other's costumes. In fact, Alice and you both were so, so excited to dress up as the other.
Aunt Jessica did my hair and eye makeup and then she fixed your hair to look like Fawn's!
Lolly was so excited to find this dress for your party. She really enjoyed finding all of the accessories and dressing up for you. Pop enjoyed wearing his typical "ratty" clothes, I'm sure.
You got pretty overwhelmed with everyone in your house for over an hour. Once the rain let up everyone headed outdoors to play. But you hung back, ate your sandwich and Pirates Booty on the cooler and just observed. Once you had a full belly and were a bit more comfortable with people, we sung Happy Birthday. You still aren't sure about all of the attention being on you like that. But once that was over you played on the Slip 'n' Slide and had a blast.
You specifically asked for your own cake so I made you your own. You took one bite. ONE. Then said, "I'm all full, Mama." Here you are pointing to that one bite and telling me how full you are.
You really wanted everyone to paint at your party. You asked me that week if you could do this. I was happy to set this up and had the paint, brushes and paper ready for this to happen but the rain messed everything up. I didn't think you'd remember but you did. You asked later on why no one painted. I hated we couldn't do this for you.
Everyone enjoyed the Slip 'n' Slide, the playhouse and your 360 degree swing. The day turned out to be a very pretty evening once the rain stopped. The rain was not my first choice for an outdoor party, obviously, but it was significantly cooler outside than it would have been had it not rained.
Your friends Sophie, Lily, Landon, Huddy, Izzy, Ethan and Harper all came to celebrate. Your neighbors Alana & Eric, Cameron, Cadence & Calvin and Alice all came to wish you a happy birthday. Rayna, James, Gabriel, Bella from your PMO class were able to make it, too. And Reagan and Hatton's mom, Mrs. Lauren stopped by with your gift since the girls were still napping. Uncle Mikey, Aunt Jessica, Lolly & Pop, cousin Mary and cousins Grant, Bella and Brontz were there too.
That evening after mostly everyone left I got a text from Crissy. It read: Overheard during Harper's prayers-"Thankful for Pop, for Stella and her cupcakes." Melted my heart.
We ended up with sand, grass clippings, pixie dust and squished goldfish everywhere. Glitter is still all over the back porch (1+ month later). Kids decided to spread and smear sand we'd used to fill the dangerous holes in the backyard all over and inside your playhouse. It was quite a chore to get that clean.
You did really good at your appointment. You did your first eye test with the nurse. She had you stand in the hallway on a piece of tape and name shapes and objects as the nurse pointed to it. The first shape was a circle. You got that one. The next thing was a hand. You said glove. The nurse said hand and you corrected her. "No, that's a glove." It was a black hand-shaped thing. I don't remember what the next object/shape was but you told her it was a semicircle. It was not, but all of the nurses were impressed by your knowledge of a semicircle. Later on, the nurse commented on your dress. I've been trying to explain that we can return the compliment or at the very least say "thank you" to someone who complements us. You aren't convinced. I told you to say thank you to her and you replied, "But I don't know her."
You asked me to take a picture of you in your gown (your first time) and send it to Daddy because you looked like a kangaroo.

You are so smart. You continue to blow us away with your incredible speech, knowledge and memory. We are so proud of you. The "Threenager" days are definitely upon us. You have quite the attitude but you know what you want and we hope it will serve you well as you age. We love you baby girl.
Your birthday gifts:
Your birthday gifts:
Mommy & Daddy-fishing pole, magnetic fairies, books, fairy M&D water paint book,
The Houstons-Tinkerbell/Pirate Fairy DVD & 3 bitty books
Nene-Elsa dress & doll
Aunt Ginger-Elsa Frozen fever doll & shirts
Mema & Papa-money
Lolly & Pop-turtle necklace; coffee tin flowers
The Bratchers-dog carrier, butterfly water bottle & cupcake bubbles
Uncle Mikey & Aunt Jessica-baby Tink, Tink swimsuit, Ariel mug
Sophie & Lily-money
Rayna-swirl & scoop ice cream play-doh set
Alice-Crazy sand & glow stick
Grant & Bella-tank top & shorts outfit & jewelry
Bella-homemade card, bracelets & lip gloss rings
Mary-Periwinkle doll
Reagan & Hatton-Finding Dory activity pad, FD magna doodle & book, Princess storybooks
Gabriel-magnetic wooden blocks
Alana-paint your own birdhouse, tub crayons, finger paints & stamps, alphabet drawing pad
James-stuffed duck, M&D wooden zoo animals
Brontz-Ladybug girl visits the farm & star projector
Cameron, Cadence & Calvin-clay
Wilma & Pauline-tea party & table setting, Zootopia coloring/sticker book
Nina-card with Princess badge, money
The Green's-blue & green Puma's
Justin & JP-spiral sprinkler