For being in town we've managed to stay pretty busy the past few weeks.
My cousin Mary, who conveniently lives next, door went to Newfie for about two weeks. She has two dogs and two cats and we got the opportunity to keep an eye on the kitties, Anabelle and Dolly. Stella was over the moon at the chance to be so close to these black and white purring furballs everyday. We dropped Mary off on a Wednesday and this is what Stella chose to be her "feeding the kitties outfit". Rain boots (not raining btw) and panties. The braids were from the night before. She's slinging a "mana" (banana) around which is why it's blurry.

We'd go over each morning and let them outside, clean the litter box and feed them. Then in the evening we'd venture back over to feed them canned food (which she got to pick out all by herself). She really was such a huge help and never once fussed about anything involving them. They were quite easy to take care of. They'd basically chosen to become outside cats which is so nice and what I'd want if we had a cat. They sleep inside at night but love being outdoors during the day. Stella collected their bowls and re-distributed them at each feeding. She'd lay beside them petting and talking to them while they ate. She chased them around outside and would just laugh and laugh. I've been thinking about getting her a kitty for a few months now, but after scooping the poop and thinking she may possibly be allergic to them, I'm not ready to get into that yet.

It rained an awful lot that last week Mary was gone. I felt like it rained more that week than it had the entire summer. I really didn't mind it though. As a result froggies were popping up everywhere. The first one Stella found was super tiny. Some of the phrases she kept repeating while this guy was in her view: "Oh my goodness." "Look at you!" "C'mere wittle baby froggy." "I want to hold you." "I got you." It was adorable. We finally said goodnight to him and set him down by a tree. I was shocked the little guy made it and didn't get squished to death by rain boots because he kept jumping out of her hand over and over again.

We went to the duck pond one afternoon to feed the ducks/geese. We went a few weeks ago and had an incident. Stella was feeding the geese/ducks and had bread in her hands. She was talking to me, looking up at me. A goose saw the bread and was all, "Don't mind if I do" and just went in for the kill on her fingers. The inside of the bill is like rough sandpaper and it scared the crap out of her. Every time we'd drive past the road the park and duck pond are on, she'd say, "That goose got my finger." "Yes, Baby. I know it got you. But it thought you were trying to feed him." "I'm ok." "I'm glad you're ok now Stella."
Well this day was no different from that day a few weeks ago, just a little more dramatic. As soon as we got out, the geese started moving in on us. She basically had a flashback and just screamed and dove for me. She buried her head in my crotch (nice) and wrapped her arms around my legs, squeezing me tight and just screamed and tried to climb up me. I explained that she was fine and they were just excited. We got the bread out and another goose, maybe the same one, got all mouthy and apparently got her finger again. I didn't actually see it, but I'm guessing it actually happened because the waterworks and incomprehensible speech was off the charts. Poor thing. I had to pick her up and put her on top of the picnic tables so we could feed them. If one or a few approached the table quickly, she'd flip out and I'd have to once again, talk her back off of the ledge. I'm not going to lie, I hate she got bit and is having slight PTSD from it, but it's a tiny bit funny to me. But I can say that because I'm her mom.

We fed the geese under the pavilion while it sprinkled and then got to see three trains while sliding AKA cleaning the dirt off of the damp slides with our dress.
One day, Stella found another frog which was still small, but larger than the first one she spotted. Then, I found this one below while I was grabbing something from outside. It was raining outside and she only had panties on, but since it wasn't thundering or lightening, I called her out. He was stuck in her pool and couldn't get out. She bounced all over the yard with them and then when it was time to let him go she placed him in the grass. Then quickly said, "I want to give him a kiss." So she bent back down, scooped him up and kissed him.

I started Stella back in her tumbling class. She's doing good. She did it in the Spring, but she'd turn into this monster whenever we'd go, so I decided to wait a few months before signing her back up. Perfect choice. She still isn't so sure about Miss Rita at times, but she's no longer super territorial about everything. I'm predicting a future career in the uneven bars or the balance beam. Ever since we went in the Spring, she wants to "hang, Mama" or "walk on the balance beam"-which usually consists of walking along a curb. At the beach, we have to walk down to Toucan's playground so she can hang from the bars. She impresses me with her grip too. She'll hold on for 15-20 seconds sometimes.
After her class one day, we had a picnic lunch by one of the fountains. It was perfect. We found a bench in the shade and Stella would walk back and forth to the fountain. Whenever the wind would blow, the mist from the fountain would get her and she'd squeal and run around.
Two Sunday's ago, Donald had to go into work. After feeding the kitties (twinsies below with our over-sized shirts, leggings and rain boots), we decided to go for a walk.

We had Bandit with us and we got to the end of the road back where it becomes Pine. B was sniffing at something and I happened to look up to see ponies with saddles in someone's backyard. There were a bunch of cars parked and a ton of people sitting out under the pavilion in the people's front yard. They waved to me and I waved back. Then one of the girls came out and asked if we wanted to see the ponies. I was like, "Yeah, we'll go say hello" and Stella was "I want to ride the pony!" So we get back there and turns out the day before the family had one of the girls a birthday party. A 4 year old princess birthday party to be exact, but the girl also wanted ponies so they rented two of them. The older girl seemed to think that didn't make sense but I said it made sense to me. Princesses ride ponies and lots of little girls and always asking for ponies. I totally think it went with the princess theme. Stella sat on the white one first-Missy, but she didn't realy want to budge from her spot.

So we swapped over to the black one, Rainbow and she was more than happy to oblige and walk around the yard. Stella has a terrified look on her face here but only because I was too far away. She loved them and really enjoyed riding them but understandably was still a little apprehensive about them. Especially when one of them shuddered and nearly shook her off. I had to keep my hand on the small of her back or she'd flip out.
The birthday girl was even kind enough to go inside to get an extra princess party favor bag to give to Stella. Stella thanked her with a big bear hug. It was the sweetest thing.
Monday we had to return books to the library, so we ran out to do that. On the way, we saw the firemen out washing the ladder truck at the firehouse. We stopped by to say hello and watch the firetruck "get a bath." Stella got to sit in the driver's seat and take a look in the backseat. The firemen offered Stella a red or black fire hat. Then he said he might have a pink hat. Stella promptly replied, "I want purple!" That's my girl. Goodness. He did in fact have a pink one, but Stella also decided to take a black one with her as well.
Afterwards, we drove across the street to Sprouts. Stella wanted to wear her hat inside. As soon as we walked in she started yelling, "Hey everybody, look at my fire hat!"
When we got home, we walked over to visit Baby Eric next door. Stella was so attentive to his needs-just the sweetest little mommy. She loves her babies. And playing with Alana. I'm so glad we have more good neighbors.
Donald was out for a golf tournament so Stella and I went for a walk in the evening after dinner. Stella practically ran the entire way over to Cadence, Cameron and Calvin's house. We hung out for a little bit then completed the circle around the block and came back home as it was getting dark quick.

Monday night after Donald got home, he asked me, "What are y'all doing tomorrow?" I replied, "Well if it feels as nice out as it did this morning, I'm thinking about taking her down to the creek to run around." Well as soon as I opened the back door to let B out the next morning I knew what we were doing. It felt ah-may-zing out. It was in the mid-upper 60's. I actually had to put pj's on Stella just so we could eat breakfast on the porch. Then we grabbed some water and a few snacks and headed down to Nickajack Creek. The sky was really blue, not a cloud in the sky, it was cool and crisp out, low humidity, just perfect. A lovely taste of Fall in August. It really got me wishing that it would hurry up and get here. I snapped pictures of lots of mushrooms (my favorites to find on a walk) and there were a bunch from all the rain we'd previously had.
I said "Hello" to an old friend.
Stella found this insanely huge centipede (probably 4-5" long) and fell in love with it. She kept trying to pick it up, pet it or kiss it.
We walked down to the creek and I took her shoes off and then she proceeded to get all wet and disgusting, up to her armpits. Of course, I forgot to bring an extra change of anything. No panties, shoes, shirts, pants, nothing. Not even a towel. So when we were done here and we walked back to the car, she rode home in panties and the shirt since they were just damp. The black pants however. Well they had to be washed twice to get the "glitter" as I called it out. All of the gold dust/silt from the water and sand and done a number on her black leggings.
B got all energetic and started running around like a crazy dog. Guess he's ready for the cooler weather too.
When we left, Bandit was absolutely the cleaner of the two. I think he only got his feet and maybe just a tad of his belly wet.
On the walk back we saw a bunch of beautiful butterflies fluttering around, swallowtails, perhaps? Stella chased a few of them.
I noticed two caterpillars on a bush as I stopped to "hide" and pointed them out to Stella. Then when we got back on the boardwalk, I found a couple more on the railing. Then more. We ended up counting a dozen of them, I think. They were tiny little things, too. Stella walked the whole time. She asked to be carried a few times, but I wanted to try and tire her out to see if she'd nap or sleep better that evening. We were gone about an hour and a half and the morning was just wonderful.
The next morning it was a little cool out, but of course, we had to sit outside because Stella loves it. But it was early and the sun was still low in the sky which meant it was really bright on the porch. "Oh, it's so bight, Mama. Need sunglasses."
Thursday we did our usual-the chiropractor at 10, tumbling at 11. But instead of going home or having a little fountain-side picnic, we had lunch with cousin Dana at Stockyard on The Marietta Square. Stella was really good and ate half of my huge hamburger plus fries.
After we left the square, I took Stella by Donald and mine's old house. I remember it being small, but not looking this tiny. I loved that house and the neighborhood. Hard to believe we've been in our for seven years.
I made pumpkin pie smoothies, but Stella called them "Punkin Spy Poothies". She even did a little dance as she repeated punkin spy poothies about two dozen times. She really loved the smoothie. It was ok. I would have preferred it sweeter, but couldn't bring myself to add more maple syrup so I just left her have most of it since she was so fond of it.

Stella and I have had lots of great time together lately, especially since Donald has been so busy with work lately. I've felt a little like a single parent at times. The past two Friday's Donald has come in late, then he had to work the past two Sunday's. Last Monday he golfed until late, Wednesday he didn't even come home due to a softball game and Thursday he was only home for 45 minutes before heading back out for another game. Finally, Saturday we all went over to Beau and Melanie's pool to celebrate Justin's birthday. That was the most time she or I really got to spend with Donald, although it wasn't super quality time since there were lots of other people around vying for Donald's attention. Oh and a new remote control helicopter/drone that had all of the boy's attentions. But at least we were together.

Donald left for Pennsylvania Monday at lunch. Then he flew to Texas super early Tuesday morning, then back home that evening. We are leaving for Sylvester tomorrow and then for the beach Saturday. Stella will be staying with Lolly and Pop for a few days and then Nini and Grandaddy for a few more. I sort of wish Stella was going with us so we could all three have time together since it's been so sparse the past few weeks, but we have some open weekends coming up and I know that D and I need the time alone because I've barely seen him too. I know he's not been sleeping as good so we are ready for some rest and relaxation on the beach.
The leaves have begun to fall and it's been a little cooler here and there. I've been able to leave the back door open a good bit too. I'm looking forward to crossing things off of a Fall Bucket list-taking Stella to the fair, camping in Pine Mountain, apple picking and just going on some nice crisp cool walks as a family. Autumn is my favorite time and I"m as excited as ever to spend it with Stella and make some wonderful memories.