This girl cannot get her fill of cottage cheese now. This was absolutely not the case in the beginning. She still adores her yogurt, but she can pick up big handfuls of this and shove it in her mouth, so she likes that. Twice this week she's chose cottage cheese over fruit.
The name of the blog pretty much says it all. These are things that are important to me. Aside from that, I love to share. I share photos of my daughter, family, food and things I believe to be interesting or beautiful. I share what we have been up to lately, places we've been. And I share thoughts, ramblings and
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Friday, March 28, 2014
Consignment finds #2 and family hand-me-downs
Last Friday, Stella and I went to Born Again Blessings Kids Consignment Sale at the Cobb Civic Center. I went to this sale last Spring while still pregnant and fell in love with kids consignment sales. This time around, I didn't need many things, but I really love looking to find different and unique items.
I found this adorable plush ladybug Halloween costume (supposedly used only once)-$10.00 I'm pretty sure I already have Stella a costume (frog possibly?), but I'm sure we can find another good excuse to wear both around that time.
How cute is this watermelon bib? So summery-$2.00
I couldn't pass up this super cute and cottony summer romper-$4.00
I love the surfer style Old Navy swim suit.-$2.00 The hearts on the bottoms and in the writing match the floral sandals so good.
These sandals-$3.00 and Crocs-$3.00 will be perfect for this summer. I have no earthly idea how fast kid's feet grow, but I'm thinking she'll be able to wear these this summer. She has pretty big feet. Both the swim suit and the romper match both sets of shoes too.
We made it to the parking lot of the second sale, but we didn't go inside. Stella fell asleep in the car so I just sat outside while a friend looked for a few items for me. She didn't see what I was looking for, so we headed home.
Thursday, my cousin gave me a ridiculous amount of 4T clothes. Some are second hand, others are third hand, but the majority are still in great condition. One adorable blue jean jacket that I found had three names written in a Sharpie on the label. Two were crossed out and my cousin, Bella's name was the newest addition. In a few years, it'll have four names. It still looks brand new though! The few pieces that are a little worn I decided to grab to be play clothes.
My in-laws are bringing up 9, 12 and 18 month clothes for Stella that another cousin gave me before she was even born. They've been at my parents house and I completely forgot to grab them when I was home three weeks ago. I'm excited to go through them and see what cuteness I get to dress baby girl in. And poor Stella is in desperate need of pj's, so I'm hoping there are a few pairs in the bins.
I'm so happy to not have to worry about a clothes budget, much less the hassle of shopping for clothes with a baby. We've been given thousands of dollars worth of clothes for free and I couldn't be happier.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
52 Project Week 12
This kid is into everything! She loves her toys-these are kinda her favs right now. But she also loves the stuff she's not supposed to be messing with. Of course!! I can't even imagine right now what things will be like when she starts walking because she's all over the place already. Even though I'm not breastfeeding her as often, I shouldn't have any problem keeping any weight off because I'll be getting quite the workout chasing her around.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Hello to you too, Spring!
Wednesday, I planted our spring garden. We bought red leaf lettuce, Bibb lettuce, arugula, kale and collards as plants from Home Depot.
I'm a water, ice and lemon fanatic and Stella doesn't seem to mind drinking from my cup. I had her on my hip while I was refilling my drink (that she knocked over) and she snagged a lemon from the bowl. She had a taste of a Meyer lemon before and didn't make a face at all. This was her first taste of a regular lemon. It took a while for the face and head shake to occur, but she went right back to it. Her Grandaddy will be proud.
I'd hoped for a beautiful, sunny day where I could sit Stella outside so she could play while I gardened. It was cool in the am, but it warmed up nice by mid afternoon. It never did get pretty, however, we were able to enjoy the outdoors. Stella crawled all over half of the yard, dug around with her tiny fingers in the dirt, crunched leaves between her fingers, smooshed strawberries between those same fingers, proved that the Gyro Bowl doesn't really work for little ones and generally had a great time getting absolutely disgusting.
Here is mommy's little gardener.
Making a huge, but delicious mess with a strawberry.
Here's the planted garden:
Strawberries...they've been planted for about two years now. They keep producing and spreading more and more each year. I'm going to try the beer can in the dirt to help control the slugs this season. They are a big problem. I'm hoping it helps.
Lettuces...arugula on the left, red leaf in the center and Bibb on the right. (sorry for the crappy half shade/half sun picture)
Our three raised beds.
I received a ton of free organic seeds for things like carrots (purple & orange), kale, radicchio, watercress, peas, beans and basil. I haven't grown much from seed before so I'd like to give it a try, especially since they are such nice seeds. Maybe we can plant some this weekend.
If she wasn't already into everything, now Stella can reach on top of the side table in her nursery and grab things like the remote, a tube of nice lotion (to gnaw on the cap) and my cup.
Thursday was gorgeous. Thank goodness for the first day of Spring. We didn't wake up until around 9, had breakfast (leftover veggie quiche) and went to swim class. Finally, a day that seemed swim appropriate. The past two Thursdays have been cold, dreary and drizzly. Yuck!
After two other swimsuit changes (those wouldn't fit with her swim diapers), we went with the red, white, blue and stars one. I'm glad this one fit because we didn't have a 4th backup. She could have just swam in the swim diapers, but she probably would have been a little slippery.
She wasn't a team player this week. Stella was very clingy and weepy. It was the most she's cried during class. After class ended and it was free play time she was very content though.
We came home and opened all the windows in the house. I love airing it out and seeing the curtains flutter in the breeze.
After lunch, I laid the blanket in the backyard, hammered the umbrella into the ground and drug out a basket full of toys. I made a pitcher of fresh strawberry lemonade while Stella and I sat in the backyard catching up with my Grandpa and my Nina on the phone.
Here she is hanging on to the umbrella pole. She also loves dancing on it. Her Daddy's not sure what to think of that?!
This antique "Toddle Rock" as it's called is a little rocking chair my mom got for my cousin (her niece), Jennifer, when her first son was born 14 years ago. He was the first grandchild for my Aunt (her sister). She had three other children and they all used this too. Jennifer gave it back to me a few months ago so Stella could enjoy it. She is definitely enjoying it.
Here she is hanging on to the umbrella pole. She also loves dancing on it. Her Daddy's not sure what to think of that?!
This antique "Toddle Rock" as it's called is a little rocking chair my mom got for my cousin (her niece), Jennifer, when her first son was born 14 years ago. He was the first grandchild for my Aunt (her sister). She had three other children and they all used this too. Jennifer gave it back to me a few months ago so Stella could enjoy it. She is definitely enjoying it.
I laid sweet girl down at 3:00 and got to straightening up the house. She awoke at 4:00, kinda fussy and crying. I picked her up and sat down to nurse her, but she had other plans. She nuzzled right in on my chest to go back to sleep. I'm am so ok with that. Even if my left arm was almost asleep and I was near the point of peeing on myself. I'll take cuddly time over anything else.
I'm so happy for longer and warmer days. Stella is definitely an outside girl. She's always happy being outdoors and if she is being a grumpy pants, I can take her outside and she instantly cheers up.
We went to Daddy's softball game last night. He had two games back-to-back. Stella and Landon got to play for a little while. It got quite chilly after the sun went down, but I had sweet girl in the carrier to keep me warm.
This morning we woke up to a beautiful sunrise. We walked with our neighbors down the street, Kate and Alice at 10:30 and after that we headed to a few consignment sales. We had lunch at Australian Bakery Cafe on the Marietta Square. I would have liked to have sat outside to eat, but it would have been a chore to lug the highchair out with the stroller and everything. So instead, we just chilled inside. It was delicious.
We came home and a few minutes after we walked in the door, Daddy walked in. We all headed out back to play on the blanket. Stella monkey-crawled all over the yard (she doesn't like for her knees to be in the grass) chasing Bandit and dancing on the umbrella pole. Daddy grilled out and we had dinner on the screen porch. Then we went back outside to play and have dessert. Stella is teething and her gums are swollen. These have really helped this week and are super easy to make. Stella crashed early tonight. She's was pretty fussy today, I guess since she didn't get her full 10-11 hours of sleep last night. Hard to argue with that.
Sweet dreams.
We went to Daddy's softball game last night. He had two games back-to-back. Stella and Landon got to play for a little while. It got quite chilly after the sun went down, but I had sweet girl in the carrier to keep me warm.
This morning we woke up to a beautiful sunrise. We walked with our neighbors down the street, Kate and Alice at 10:30 and after that we headed to a few consignment sales. We had lunch at Australian Bakery Cafe on the Marietta Square. I would have liked to have sat outside to eat, but it would have been a chore to lug the highchair out with the stroller and everything. So instead, we just chilled inside. It was delicious.
We came home and a few minutes after we walked in the door, Daddy walked in. We all headed out back to play on the blanket. Stella monkey-crawled all over the yard (she doesn't like for her knees to be in the grass) chasing Bandit and dancing on the umbrella pole. Daddy grilled out and we had dinner on the screen porch. Then we went back outside to play and have dessert. Stella is teething and her gums are swollen. These have really helped this week and are super easy to make. Stella crashed early tonight. She's was pretty fussy today, I guess since she didn't get her full 10-11 hours of sleep last night. Hard to argue with that.
Sweet dreams.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Stella's 9 month appointment
Most of the time she has a HUGE appetite and she can feed herself very good. Occasionally she has the appetite of a hummingbird as opposed to the appetite of a marathoner. I don't want to be one of those moms who have a fit when their kid doesn't eat, but it drives me insane. I know she's not going to starve if she misses one meal. That's not the issue. The problem is when she refuses to eat the exact same food she was 100% in love with at the previous meal. She loves breakfast foods, peaches, orange, all berries, cheese quesadillas, yogurt and most meats. She thinks her Daddy makes the best scrambled eggs. She's had juice once and was so excited about it.
She loves being outdoors and torturing Bandit. She still just has the 2 bottom teeth, but the doctor said her top gums are swollen, so top teeth are probably not too far away. She is quite the social butterfly and comfortable being in most situations. She likes to open and close doors and explore my face (specifically my mouth including touching my teeth and pinching my tongue).
We are halfway through swim classes. I'm not sure if we'll do another month. Donald ordered a pool in February and we are excited about getting her in it in a few months. I'm sure we'll be in it everyday that it's nice out. I'm so excited for this summer. I imagine her running around in the yard naked, picking veggies out of the garden and eating them, chasing Bandit out the door, through the doggy door and around the yard, splashing like crazy in the pool.
I've been planning her 1st birthday party since January. I know six months in advance is a bit much, but a friend said she had barely planned anything for her son's 1st birthday two weeks out. It got me to thinking what I wanted to do, so I started a list of ideas on my phone. I began pinning ideas, recipes and themes on Pinterest and I've even purchased a few items. I don't want to stress over things so I'm trying to plan and buy as much in advance.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
52 Project Week 11
Yesterday, we took a little day trip up to Gibbs Gardens in Ballground. I'd been wanting to go since they opened. It was a perfect spring day-slightly overcast and a tad bit cool earlier in the day and it warmed up a little as the day went on. We had lunch outside and enjoyed walking the hills surrounded by millions and millions of daffodils. Stella rode on my back and seemed to enjoy herself. I picked out a white sundress, skinny jeans, and a white knit cardigan. D dressed her (first time in jeans) and he rolled the legs up a bit because they were a little long. So adorable. I ended up rolling them back down while she was on my back so her legs were fully covered. She crawled around and played with the blooms, clapped and waved to almost all who passed by.
Consignment finds #1
Anyone who knows me, knows that I love second hand things. Probably more than half of my closet and house are full of items from Goodwill, yard sales, consignment and antique shops and the like. It's Spring and around metro Atlanta, that means Consignment time. They are usually held twice a year, once in the Spring and again in the Fall. Now's the time to stock up on summer attire and beach stuff and in August, it's time to stock up on back to school clothes and winter gear.
Here's what I scored for Stella last Friday at Lil' Lambs Closet at Marietta FUMC.
grey & white polka dot cupcake shirt-$1.50
Children's Place skinny jeans-$3.00
white shirt & denim capris-$4.00
Gymboree flower shirt & coral skirt-$6.00
*Side note: can I get the skinny jeans and polka dot shirt in my size please? Too cute!
Carters green & white polka dot & flowers dress & bloomers-$4.00
tulip nightgown (her first nightgown!)-$3.00
floral romper-$2.00
Carters white w/ pink trim knit cardigan-$4.00
Gap jeans with flowers-$4.00
Melissa & Doug wooden frog pull along-$8.00
knit frog backpack-$4.00
Overton's pink & yellow life vest (up to 30lb)-$12.00
Yeah, I have a slight addiction to anything with frogs on it. It's so cute and gender neutral so I can't resist.
Robeez lollipop softsole shoes-$8.00. They were listed as never been worn, but this was a bit fat lie. They are still in good condition, but you could clearly see their wear. She'll probably get to use these this fall/winter.
red & white polka dot w/ green trim hat-$2.00
I also got a gallon sized plastic bag with 15 pairs of 12-24 month socks in it for $7.00. Ok three things. 1. Yes, she's in 12-24 month socks. Stella has such a big foot! 2. Why are socks soooo expensive? Not the ones from here, obviously that was a great, great deal. But the ones from the store. I am not paying $8.00 for 2 pairs of socks. Ridiculous. 3. Why is it nearly impossible to find solid color socks? Clearly I have a lot of frustrations towards socks.
I also got 4 glass plates with different colored baby chicks on them for $8.00. They came with the plate hangers and are adorable. I'm hoping to use them either in the kitchen or the living room grouped together. They are super thick = super heavy.
I'm going to two more consignment sales this upcoming Friday. She doesn't' really need much stuff, but I love to look and it doesn't hurt to find things for the future.
March Garden Club Meeting
The March Garden Club meeting fell a week before St. Patrick's Day so I did a green and rainbow food theme.
Below is a rainbow veggie tray. I paired it with homemade ranch dressing served in a 4 leaf clover shaped glass bowl.
These are rainbow veggie pizzas. I took Naan bread and smeared it with marinara sauce and sprinkled it with the italian blend shredded cheese. Then I heated 6 cloves of whole garlic in a large pan with olive oil until it softened. I didn't want to have big chunks of garlic on top of the pizza since that might be a bit much for people (not me personally), so I left them whole to impart their delicious flavor. I individually sauteed carrot rounds, diced yellow peppers, fresh chopped broccoli and diced red/purple onion. I chopped up fresh tomato and left it completely raw. Then I sprinkled everything with a tiny bit of kosher salt and pepper. I didn't do any seasoning while sauteeing so I thought this was important. When I got to the garden center, I threw the flatbreads in the oven to heat and toast. These are all before pictures since I didn't get any afterwards. These were a huge hit and not a single piece was left.
I made artichoke dip and broccoli and cheese bites since they went over so well at the January meeting, but didn't get any pictures of these.
For dessert, I was supposed to make these rainbow cupcakes, but could not find one of my favorite candies that was essential to making them. I searched the entire candy aisle at Kroger along with all of the checkout lanes, but nope. Ironically, the All You magazine was on all the aisles, just not the one ingredient I needed to make them. So, with not much time to spare, I resorted to plan 2.
I was not really happy with how they turned out. They tasted great and the idea was cute, but it wasn't what I wanted. They definitely would have looked better if I'd actually piped the icing on, but Monday was a very difficult day with Stella. It was NOT happening.
The idea is that the bowl of marshmallows is a cloud, then you have the rainbow cupcakes and the 100 Grand candy bar is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow (you'd be surprised who didn't make that connection). I did a fruit tray a few years ago and used a bowl of gold wrapped Rolos as the pot of gold. That works better, but again, this was a last minute change and I happened to have the candy bar.

Sunday, March 9, 2014
Feels like Spring is right around the corner....
This weekend was beautiful. It felt like Springtime. Daddy made breakfast for us Saturday: scrambled eggs, cheese grits and sausage patties. Miss Piggy scarfed down a few handfuls of Cheerios & puffed wheat , 2 whole eggs, half a sausage patty and a few spoonfuls of grits. I also gave her her first sippy cup of mango juice. It was very difficult to pry the cup out of her hands. I had her sip on it at lunch and dinner to make it last longer for her. I think this girl is going to love juice as much as her Momma does.
Stella had a little play date around lunch with Izzy, then we made a trip to Home Depot to get some flowers and a few other things needed for around the yard. I sat Stella down on this blanket and she sat here for hours. She did a lot of singing and also yanked up some weeds. That will come in handy in a few years. I can totally see me making a game out of weed pulling! Here she is making a jungle gym out of Daddy. She had so much fun doing it yesterday, she did it again this morning.
I picked out some pretty flowers for the hanging baskets on the front porch and the window boxes on the back porch. I didn't do a very good job of picking out my flowers. I only bought one of the white flowers thinking I could separate them, but it's one big mound-no can do! And the snapdragons couldn't be separated either. Oh well, just another excuse to go back.I planted what I had and I'll make a quick trip this week to get the rest of what I need to finish.
I've been meaning to clean out our other 3 raised bed gardens for months and months, but just couldn't or didn't feel like getting around to it. Our garden last summer was awful. It rained and rained and rained and nothing grew. Seriously, it was pathetic. .There have been years in the past when we were constantly outside after work "harvesting" all of our fruits and veggies. This year we had a few tomatoes, couple of peppers and that was about it. It was probably best though as we were a little tied up this summer. Ya know, new baby and all. I would have felt horrible if we had all of this food just wasting on the vine.
I finally got a compost tumbler (for free) and I'm so excited to put it to use. I've been "composting" for years, but I've never done anything with it. It was essentially a pile in the back corner of the yard where food scraps and random yard material sat to decompose. I wanted a tumbler or for D to make me something for years but I really didn't want to pay full price. D's cousin Justin found this one in his neighborhood with a "Free" sign on it. Woo Hoo! D picked it up the next day. I can't wait to read over my pinned articles on Pinterest about composting.
Thursday, D had a aluminum carport installed so we can house the boat, motorcycle and trailer. Now he will be able to park under our carport on the side of the house for the first time in over a year. I think it looks great and really fits in our yard. Side note: Our pool will go just to the left of it this summer. So excited!
cleaned out our herb garden this morning. The severe cold killed my
insanely large, overgrown, woody, I'm-going-to-take-over-this-raised-bed
Rosemary plant along with most of the other herbs. It's best though.
It had a good five year run and it's time to replace the bed with fresh,
nutrient rich soil and new, better herbs and start over again. I'll pick up a few new herbs
and get them planted hopefully this week. Can't wait to post pictures.
This afternoon we watched Daddy at softball practice and Stella played with her baby friends. We had dinner at Los Bravos afterwards and Stella passed out in the car as soon as we pulled out of the parking lot. She played hard today.
Almost all of the little ones got into the cooler. I'm sure it'll be a proud moment when Donald teaches Stella to fetch him a cold one.
Then she got bold and thought she'd explore this folding chair.
Then she got stuck.
This little mobile bundle of joy was 9 months old yesterday! She can stand by herself for a few seconds or propped up as seen here . Her favorite foods are yogurt (still since day 1), oranges, berries & breakfast goodies such as waffles , pancakes and French toast. She also loves most meat but especially beef.
She's been very talkative lately and singing in this adorable high pitched voice. It's so precious. She barely napped this weekend (these 30 minute naps are going to kill me), but was really in a great mood both days. She seems to be quite outgoing in most situations. I love her budding personality. I've said it so many times but she is such a joy and we are incredibly blessed with her.
52 Project Week 10
Stella had her first swim class this past Thursday. We went with the ruffled citrus swimsuit. It has a matching hat, but it was already too small.I got this set at Goodwill. It was 1 of 2 swimsuits I purchased for her. We were given about 10 other hand-me-down ones. The other one I found at Goodwill is a Baby Gap ladybug suit that still had the outrageous (for a baby's bathing suit) pricetag on it. It was $2. Score! I'm thinking we'll do that one this week. She loved being in the pool. I can't wait until it warms up and we're able to set our pool up out back. I'm sure we'll be in it everyday. And with all of the bathing suits this child has, that will totally be possible.
52 Project Week 9
I completely forgot about posting this. It's been a crazy busy past week .
My Instagram post was a collage of these two photos, but for some reason I can't get it to load. Stella was "Mommy's little helper" last week. Into everything. I laid a blanket down outside for Stella to crawl around on while I hung up the clothes on the line. She was eating leaves, sucking on acorns & just truly enjoying being outside in the sunshine.
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