My parents called Saturday and said they were thinking of renting a cabin for their upcomping 32nd wedding anniversary (Feb 20th). They wanted to know if we might want to come down for a few days. I was totally game! We hadn't seen my parents since Christmas and I know they were itching to see their grandbaby. I drove the 1 1/2 hour trip Tuesday afternoon and Stella slept most of the way.
Wednesday morning we went for an hour hike up by the lodge along the mountain. Stella slept the entire time!
This February trip to FDR was a bit warmer than the last trip exactly four years ago. Then, it looked like this:
Yeah, this was Valentine's weekend 2010, 6" of snow and we tent camped in it. Did I mention we are crazy? Nearly froze to death, but have warm memories.
After our lovely walk, we had lunch at the most amazing bakery: The Bakery and Cafe at Rose Cottage. The sandwich I enjoyed/devoured was their roast turkey on sourdough with perfectly cooked thick-cut bacon, sliced green tomato (perfect bite and sourness), fresh, creamy mozzarella, and dried tomato aioli. I chose to have a mixed green salad with a tomato shallot vinaigrette (amazing) as my side. They have a huge selection of tea (fair trade) and I chose to have a pot of the hibiscus. Yummy! There is not a single thing I would change or complain about with this meal. It was spectacular. One of the best sandwiches I've ever had!
I knew from the moment I peered through their front window and saw all of this bread that this was the place for me.
The Cafe is also a little gift shop with tea pots/cups, measuring cups/spoons, kitchen knick knacks and the like. I have a love for tea and really wanted to buy quite a few things.
The shop also has local artwork on the walls. As soon as I saw this piece, my eyes teared up. I truly wanted to buy this piece, but it was a bit more than I wanted to spend. The owner said she would knock 10 or 15% off, but it was still a little steep. I took a picture in hopes of having a friend paint something similar for me.
After lunch, me, Stella and Grammy walked around the shops downtown. I saw such cute stuff and bought a enamel coated porcelain bowl and a lighthouse painting. The painting reminded me of a lighthouse we visited while in Maine. Our bedroom is decorated in a Nautical/red, white and blue/somewhat beachy theme and I think it will look great.
On Thursday, we had to check out at 11. I put Stella down for a nap, got everything together and when she awoke at 11, we headed to Callaway Gardens. For the past few years in January and February, they've offered free admission to the park during the week. We took advantage of this and the unseasonably warm temperatures and stopped in for a few hours.
This is at Mr. Cason's Garden. My parents want to do something similar in their backyard. One of Donald's cousins married here in Fall of 2012 and it was so cute.
I love my view when I push the stroller!
I took Stella inside the butterfly exhibit. Unfortunately, there weren't a lot of butterflies to be seen. One huge blue butterfly kept teasing everyone but would never land for a photo op. I was able to get a few snaps of the butterflies and beautiful plants.
Oooohhhh....a new plant to feel and try to stick in my mouth.
I have no idea what this is, but I'm in love with the color!
I love the light green/dark green pattern on these leaves.
Tiny little yellow berries
Also, love this pattern on this tree.
Three generations of butterflies....I mean girls.
My favorite: Scrunchy face!
She looks so big here.
Getting sleepy.
Mommy and ole scrunchy face.

Inside the butterfly exhibit, a sweet, old man stamped her hand with this butterfly. It quickly rubbed off on her face and mouth as she's a left handed thumb sucker but I did manage to get this adorable picture of her relaxing in the grass right outside. I love her chubby wrists and ankles.
Chilling on the rocks outside the Chapel. One of my favorite places.
You can't tell very good, but the light coming through the front stained glass window was spectacular.
These next four photos were taken on our last trip to the Chapel which was exactly four years ago. The windows represent the four season:

I so wanted a butterfly to land on her like they did to me during my first visit, but it didn't happen. Instead, a ladybug landed on her forehead. That'll do!
On the way out of town I stopped at this barn to take pictures of it and the blooming daffodils.
I then drove to Three Little Pigs to get a BBQ sandwich. I ordered and within two minutes probably, had a gigantic sandwich, kettle chips, pickles and slaw. I threw Stella in the car, cranked it up, rolled the windows down and took my sammich out to sauce it before driving. I looked in the mirror and she was already passed out cold. I chowed down and she slept the ENTIRE trip home! Success!
If you've never been to Pine Mountain or that area, you really must go. It's a great place to make memories.