Well, we finally have everything like we want it in Stella's room. Yes, she's seven months now, but it took some time to order photos and figure out the placement of everything.
Plus, with the holidays, my mind was focusing on that instead.
Here it is.
We moved the butterfly down and put a framed photo collage in it's place.
I wanted newborn pictures taken of Stella, but it didn't work out. So instead, I did two months photos. Danielle McAdams of
Dolce Amore Photography met me on The Marietta Square the day after Stella turned two months old. She was smiling and showing off her budding personality and I'm so very happy with them.
I found two 11 X 14 frames at Goodwill a while back. Each one was less than $3.
When Danielle sent me the pictures, she sent some in color and some in black and white.
I chose to do one collage in color and one in black and white.
I order my photographs from
Snapfish, but the largest photo size they do is an 8 X 10.
Since I couldn't just choose one photo for her room and I had a two 11 X 14 frames, you can do what they call a photo collage. I did that and I'm pleased with the results.
I put the frame with the B & W photos in our living room.
A great friend of the family, Sarah McCrary gave me this frame. I was finally able to get the handprint I've been wanting.

This birth day shadow box is something I'm so proud of. I saw
this pin on Pinterest which gave me the inspiration I needed. We didn't do birth announcements so I chose to put in my wrist band her her ankle band with our names on it, plus the two hats the nurses dressed her in, her teeny weenie shirt and a one of my favorite photographs from her birth day. The traditional pink and blue striped hat is what she was put in immediately after being born. I love that they take two striped hats, cut two slits in one and feed the other one through it to make a bow for the girls. So freaking cute. I was told the green knitted hat was handmade by ladies in a local church group. Stella was dressed in it that afternoon after her first bath. We took home about four or five of the standard blankets. We were told to take everything because you'll get charged for it regardless, so we did. I cut up one to make the background for the shadowbox.

I found a cross-stitching of "Now I lay me down to sleep" framed at Goodwill for less than $3. Also on it are pairs of animals and Noah's Ark.
It's seriously one of my favorite finds.
I love the colors and that it says "Guide me safely through the night" instead of the scary version "If I die before I wake."

Uncle Mikey and Aunt Jessica got Stella this adorable height chart and gave it to her after her Baptism. It has picture slots in it so you can personalize it. I have a feeling we'll be able to put it to use in a few months when she can stand on her own.
I've said this before, but I absolutely love all of the color in here.
I'm a bright and sunny person and wanted her room to feel that way.
What we want for her is in her nursery: happiness, growth, a love of food, learning and reading, to love and respect nature and to be a colorful and unique individual.
When she gets older, I think she'll see how much love and thought we put into her room.